CLC Blog

CLC Blog
Urgent: Westlock plebiscite on municipal neutrality
Urgent: Westlock plebiscite on municipal neutrality
Posted on: February 22, 2024 @ 1:32pm By: Jack Fonseca
Vote YES to the plebiscite question in order to pass a bylaw which bans the controversial LGBT Pride symbol from municipal buildings and property. Only the Canadian, Provincial and Municipal flags should be flown on the Town of Westlock property.
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Bill C-367 Threatens Christian Speech
Bill C-367 Threatens Christian Speech
Posted on: February 19, 2024 @ 6:12pm By: David Cooke
Should Christians be arrested for quoting portions of the Bible in public? Should pastors be charged with a “hate crime” when they preach against certain sins? Should churches be closed if the government does not approve of their beliefs? With the introduction of Bill C-367, all these questions are on the table.
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More Parental Consent Needed in Alberta
More Parental Consent Needed in Alberta
Posted on: February 15, 2024 @ 3:34pm By: David Cooke
Premier Danielle Smith has taken a step in the right direction by protecting the rights of parents in the area of gender ideology. But will she take the next logical step – by protecting parental rights in the area of abortion?
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Ban Child Sex-Change in Canada!
Ban Child Sex-Change in Canada!
Posted on: February 7, 2024 @ 6:14pm By: Jeff Gunnarson
Alberta has committed to legislation banning the form of child abuse known as surgical and chemical sex-change. That’s one government down.
The man likely to become our next Prime Minister, Pierre Poilievre, has said he agrees with her policy, but has not yet committed to introducing federal legislation if his party wins the next election. We need to move him to the point of promising federal legislation...
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Pressure to Expand Abortion in New Brunswick
Pressure to Expand Abortion in New Brunswick
Posted on: February 6, 2024 @ 7:53pm By: David Cooke
Despite the closing of Clinic 554 last week, the pressure has only increased on Premier Blaine Higgs and his Conservative government. Pro-abortion lobbyists and their political and media allies are now demanding more “abortion access” all across the province, trying to portray the Higgs government as being misogynist and neglecting “women’s healthcare”.
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Alberta is getting a parental rights law
Alberta is getting a parental rights law
Posted on: January 31, 2024 @ 2:06pm By: Jack Fonseca
Apparently, Premier Danielle Smith’s government is ready to introduce a “Parental Rights” bill. It could be announced this week! I know, it almost sounds too good to be true, right?
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Stand with Cancelled Christian Trustee, Natalia Benoit!
Stand with Cancelled Christian Trustee, Natalia Benoit!
Posted on: January 31, 2024 @ 1:15pm By: Jack Fonseca
Yet another faithful Ontario Catholic school trustee has been canceled. She’s being persecuted for the “crime” of trying to keep her Catholic school board faithful to Church and biblical teaching.
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Free contraceptives & abortifacients for all Canadians?
Free contraceptives & abortifacients for all Canadians?
Posted on: January 22, 2024 @ 11:16am By: Jeff Gunnarson
Have you heard about what’s happening with a new proposal by the NDP to have the federal government provide “free” contraceptives and abortifacients, fully funded by taxpayers? It’s a scheme that would lead to more abortions across the country.
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It’s time to protect Alberta doctors from being forced to participate in euthanasia, abortion
It’s time to protect Alberta doctors from being forced to participate in euthanasia, abortion
Posted on: January 20, 2024 @ 12:00am By: Pete Baklinski
Now is the perfect time to enshrine conscience protections for doctors into provincial law.
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Abortion activist: Canadian employers must support assisted suicide…or be punished by government
Abortion activist: Canadian employers must support assisted suicide…or be punished by government
Posted on: January 17, 2024 @ 5:21pm By: Pete Baklinski
"Why is it that people like Arthur are not satisfied until everyone bends the knee to their gruesome and bloodthirsty religion where the “right” to choose to kill and be killed is its most important value?"
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