Get Involved with the Pro-Life Movement

Are you someone who has watched the pro-life movement from afar, reading about developments in the battle to restore a culture of life, but never yet dipped your toe in the water to take any direct action yourself?

Or maybe you’ve supported the pro-life movement through your financial donations, and now feel called to donate your talents and physical presence in some capacity?

Or perhaps you’ve been a hardcore pro-life activist for years and now you wish to do even more to help protect children from being killed by abortion? 

Whatever the reason your heartstrings are being pulled to get more involved, you’re in luck because as our precious Lord said: “The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few”. The list below provides several ideas for new or veteran pro-lifers to get involved in supporting our work and mission.  If you have any ideas that are not indicated on this page, email [email protected].


Life Chain

You could mark your calendar to join the annual LIFE CHAIN event nearest you on the first Sunday of October…and plan to bring as many of your friends and family as possible. If there is no location near you, perhaps you could consider volunteering as the Life Chain captain to start one? CLC supplies signs and some advertising support to local life chain leaders across Canada.


40 DAYS FOR LIFE: a bi-annual campaign of prayer and fasting to end abortion

This 24-hour campaign outside abortion facilities saves hundreds of babies from death every single year. It also saves hundreds of mothers from the suffering and trauma that abortion very often produces in women. The campaign occurs twice per year internationally, featuring a Lenten event and a Fall campaign, although most communities opt to run them only once per year or in some cases, only every 18 months.

Consider donating 1 hour a day, or 1 hour a week to pray and witness outside the designated abortion facility. More info on what the 40 Days For Life campaign is all about is available here

Since 2007 when CLC started up 40DFL in Canada, more than 20 cities have participated. If there’s a community near you, contact the Campaign Director listed on the link provided and receive more details about getting involved in your local campaign.Then join it!

Besides prayer volunteers, most communities are constantly pleading for skilled people to serve on the 40DFL Organizing Committee, assisting with computer work, shift captains, answering phone calls, sending emails, dealing with media, organizing the Kick-off Rally, etc.  If you think you might be suited to help with some aspect of managing the campaign, the Organizing Committee would love to talk to you.  Here is a listing of the typical duties and responsibilities that must be covered by members of the Organizing Committee. This would give you an idea of some of the tasks that might be happily delegated to willing applicants like yourself.


National & Provincial Marches For Life

Plan to attend the National March For Life in the nation’s capital on May 8 2025. Bring many friends along with you.  You could also help promote this event in your church and social circles.  Learn more about the March For Life here.  If there’s not already a bus that leaves from your area, perhaps you could help organize one? Don’t live within driving distance of Ottawa? Don’t worry!  Other provinces hold regional Marches For Life in solidarity with the national event. View the details for provincial Marches here.


Clerical, Date Entry And General Office Help

CLC’s Hamilton head office and as well as our provincial branches often needs volunteer assistance with filing, envelope stuffing, data entry, serving on our volunteer phone tree whenever we need to conduct a telephone campaign on a certain issue or election. If you’re willing to volunteer in any such capacity, check out our listing of offices and see if there’s one near you. Or perhaps there’s some volunteer work you might be able to do from home?


COINS FOR LIFE fundraising drive

Campaign Life Coalition is completely dependent on donations and fundraisers. Without them, we would have to close our doors. We’re always looking for volunteers who are willing to operate a Coins For Life drive in their church or school. This is an effective way to support CLC financially. This has proven successful in many churches where, with the pastor’s permission, congregants and/or students/parents are asked to take a CLC Coins For Life box home for several weeks (e.g. 8 weeks) and put in their loose change. After the campaign period is over, coin boxes are picked up by CLC or delivered to our office.


Christmas Cake Fundraising Drive

As part of our Christmas fundraising initiative, our Ottawa Bureau organizes the selling of Christmas cakes. Currently, we are in need of volunteers who are willing to become sellers of CLC Christmas cakes in their church or school. The cakes make great Christmas gifts and are a traditional yuletide desert. Volunteering with this fundraiser involves setting up a table and taking orders for cakes after church services (or in school), and promoting it within the church.


Adopt an MP or MPP

Take on responsibility for “adopting” your local federal MP and provincial MPP.  If it’s within your comfort level, try to visit with them whenever a life and family issue comes up.  It would be great if dedicated pro-lifers made it a personal rule to meet face to face with their elected representative 2 to 3 times per year. That kind of close rapport, over the years, has been proven to help make politicians more friendly towards our issues.  Study our tips and recommendations on how to Adopt Your MP.


Attend All-Candidates Meetings During Elections

It is extremely difficult to get candidates during elections to reveal their their views on abortion. We send candidates our federal and provincial questionnaires, depending on the situation, but most of the time, candidates refuse to respond. One way you can help us evaluate all the candidates in a particular riding, whether during a general election or a by-election, is to be our eyes, ears and mouth at the local all-candidates meetings that are routinely scheduled. Take someone with you to record the answers, and go to the meeting prepared to ask one of the questions from our questionnaires. Then feed the details back to CLC so we can update the candidates evaluation info on our website. 


Volunteer your Time and Talents to A Crisis Pregnancy Centre Near You

These centres represent the pastoral branch of the pro-life movement. With confidential love and support, they help many woman choose life for their child. Very often they are overworked and underresourced. 



Is there some volunteer capacity not listed here in which you feel you could assist CLC? Let us know.