CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Stop the LGBT propaganda in WCDSB libraries

WARNING: Some of the following content is inappropriate and should not be seen by children.

This is an important reminder about the deadline for anyone willing to speak out at the next board meeting against the LGBT propaganda books discovered in the WCDSB, that the deadline to apply is 9:00 AM on Monday January 20.

We exposed the disturbing content this week with our first article on the salacious material at Canadian Martyrs elementary school in Kitchener, and we called on our supporters to take a stand about this by delegating at the next board meeting.

To help drive home the seriousness of what I’m talking about, here are a few more troubling images you need to see, illustrations aimed at children to try normalizing homosexual and transgender lifestyles, same-sex “marriage”, and even “queer farmers”:

Above: Two men kissing on lips in a book titled "Queer History".

Above: Two male grooms dance together at what appears to be a gay wedding celebration. From the book, "We Are The Rainbow".

Above: Scene of a child at an LGBT Pride Parade, with homosexual and transgender pride flags displayed.

We were sent the photos by a concerned parent who was appalled that this kind of inappropriate material could worm its way into the library of a Catholic elementary school.

We need to take stand.


We’re encouraging concerned parents and grandparents to delegate at the upcoming WCDSB meeting, to voice their objections about the presence of these books in our Catholic schools.

The WCDSB has its next monthly meeting scheduled for Monday, January 27th, and there’s still time to register as a delegate. The registration deadline is this coming Monday, January 20th, at 9:00 a.m.

If you’re willing to speak out against this poisonous spiritual corruption of the next generation of Catholics, please email [email protected].

Could you do me another favour?

If you do register as a delegate, please reply to this email and let Campaign Life Coalition know so we can get an idea how many of our supporters are delegating.

Finally, as I’ve stated before, please pray for all the WCDSB school trustees and administrators that they may uphold their duty to defend Catholic values in the board. Pray especially for the conversion of the Director of Education, Tyrone Dowling, who is responsible for signing off on operation decisions, which includes the purchase of books.

