Want an in-depth look at what it’s like behind-the-scenes of the largest and oldest pro-life organization in Canada? The summer internship program run by Campaign Life Coalition and The Interim newspaper is designed to challenge and reward a select number of young people with the unique opportunity to work full-time in the pro-life and pro-family movement over the summer months. This paid internship is intended to form future leaders by equipping interns with the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary to defend life from conception to natural death. Our interns have gone on to have many exciting and fulfilling careers, such as in religious ministry, education, politics, media, business, health care, etc. Many have continued to work for the pro-life movement, either as an employee of Campaign Life Coalition, or with another organization.
Note: Applicants must be between the ages of 14-29 (some exceptions may apply).
Internship Description:
All interns will be expected to work full-time, unless otherwise discussed. Interns will rotate through various assignments and supervisors every 1-3 weeks, so that they can appreciate the breadth of the work that we do - from administrative tasks, to research projects, to writing for The Interim, to assisting our political team, to helping organize Life Chain, to creating social media content and engaging peers through CLC Youth, etc.
In addition, each intern will be expected to participate in weekly training sessions to learn more about pro-life apologetics and the many facets of the pro-life movement. To put this knowledge into practice, interns will also be encouraged to engage in weekly activism, under the leadership of experienced activists. Interns will have the privilege of attending various events, conferences, and webinars on behalf of Campaign Life Coalition, and meeting various pro-life leaders, from both within CLC, and outside of it—such as the Sisters of Life, Silent No More Awareness Campaign's Angelina Steenstra, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition's Alex Schadenberg, etc.
Preference will be given to those applicants capable of carrying out their assignments in our Hamilton or Ottawa offices. Exceptions for a minimum of 2 days a week in-office will be considered for applicants who have a commute longer than 1.5 hours. Our program is intended to instill a sense of camaraderie amongst interns, and certain activities like street activism can only be completed in-person. CLC would be happy to assist successful applicants in making travel arrangements and/or finding nearby accommodations. Out-of-province applicants will be permitted to work remotely. OTHER EXCEPTIONS MAY BE CONSIDERED BUT NOT GUARANTEED.
If you're not sure which arm of the pro-life movement you're most drawn to (educational, political, pastoral, spiritual), or you want a taste of it all, this internship is for you.
Apply to our Summer Internship:
Applications for the 2025 Summer Internship are now OPEN. To apply, email the following to [email protected] by Friday, April 4th, 2025:
• Personal Reference Form (included in application form)
• Cover Letter
• Resume
Testimonies from Past Interns:
I loved that every week we were switched to a different supervisor. This really allowed me to get a good sense of what goes on behind the scenes. I loved the field-trips, seminars, and all the effort that went into making it an enjoyable and fruitful experience. I think working with the various divisions helped me to gain confidence needed when being in the front lines. ~Anonymous, Summer '24
“You feel part of a movement greater than yourself, that you’re doing something highly heroic even, which is, saving lives.” ~Angelica, Summer '22
“My experience this summer was extremely formative, giving me a much deeper insight into the importance of pro-life organizations such as CLC, and making me realize how much worse the world would be without them. Overall, I loved just how well-rounded the internship was, from learning apologetics and then being able to then use those apologetics in our conversations in the street, and even in our articles and blogs.” ~Mary, Summer '22
"During the internship I was able to both learn about how the pro-life movement functions and strengthen my own pro-life convictions through the wonderful people I met. Among the interns I found strong, dedicated people who will serve as both co-strugglers and examples in the fight for life; and among those working full-time at CLC I found wonderful incredibly dedicated people devoting themselves to life and the truth. My interactions with all of these people served to strengthen my commitment to the pro-life cause and give me an idea of what my efforts should look like." ~Johnny, Summer '21
"Although I would have always considered myself pro-life before this summer, in sooth, I can say that I was never intensely convicted. Conversations would come up at school or at home, and I wouldn’t have the courage or integrity to speak the truths of my pro-life beliefs to those around me, fearing ostracization. Through participating in CLC’s 2021 summer internship, I have become more informed, bolder, and more courageous in publicly vocalizing what I know as objective truths on the horrors of abortion. The program has molded me to become an advocate for the unborn. I no longer have hesitancy in voicing my thoughts on pro-life issues, as I can now see and fully appreciate the magnanimity of the bleak reality of the situation: a matter between life and death." ~Angelica, Summer '21
“I learned that the pro-life cause is about love and respect for those who don’t have a voice, the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn. The internship made me aware of the fact that I am not alone in the fight for the right to life of all human beings, no matter how small or less developed. The most meaningful message that I learned about the pro-life cause is that it is centered on God and we are His instruments in spreading the pro-life message.” ~Zephania, Summer ’19, ’20
"I would recommend this job because I think that it helped me to grow, not only in my knowledge of pro-life issues, but in my faith and as a person in general." ~Nikola, Summer '19
"I learned that there are so many more people who are fighting for life than I could have ever imagined. I never had any idea how big this movement really is. I have also learned that we will never be able to instantly change all of society, but that we must still strive to change the perspective of one person at a time because that can change their world." ~Anna, Summer '19
"I would recommend this job experience to others as it brought a lot of satisfaction and joy to my life. I would recommend the internship to anyone who is looking to make a real difference in the world." ~Greg, Summer '18, '19
"Before the beginning of the summer internship, I wasn’t too sure what to expect working for Campaign Life Coalition. I was excited to broaden my experience and involvement in the pro-life movement, and thus far, I can say that this internship has gone above and beyond to truly help us understand why the fight for life is such an urgent cause. Being a hands-on learner, I highly appreciated experiencing the weekly street activism we do, as well as all the tasks I am assigned weekly, knowing that it goes towards a greater purpose. Being involved in this movement and working for CLC has guided me towards realizing my passion - sharing the pro-life message. As much as I’m trying to make a difference in the lives of those around me by conveying this message, I can honestly say that it’s the most vulnerable and defenseless people in our society - the unborn - who have made the biggest difference in my life, by making me realize that they need a voice too." ~Arianne, Summer ’17, '18
"...so far the experience could not have been better. The speakers I’ve listened to and the workshops I’ve taken part in have given me new insight and extensive knowledge on the pro-life movement. The street activism I have been participating in with organizations such as Show the Truth and Aid to Women have also been great experiences. I now hope to use the knowledge and experience I’ve gained to solve the issues in Canada, such as abortion and euthanasia, amongst others, through hard work, activism and prayer." ~Christopher, Summer ‘17
"I would especially recommend Campaign Life’s internship to anyone who is new to the pro-life community. You’ll make great friends, learn a lot about the history of the movement, and gain experience in its educational and political domains." ~Taylor, Summer ’13, ’14, ’15
"My experience as a summer intern at Campaign Life Coalition was so fruitful. I was blessed to meet knowledgeable and dedicated pro-lifers, and to learn from their rich and varied experiences in different aspects of the pro-life movement: education, politics, journalism, youth engagement, and more. I would highly recommend the CLC internship experience to anyone seeking to advance the pro-life movement in Canada." ~Natasha, Summer ’13