Campaign Life Coalition is a national pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings, from the time of conception to natural death. We defend the sanctity of human life against threats posed by abortion, euthanasia, doctor assisted suicide, reproductive and genetic technologies, cloning, infanticide, eugenics, population control, and threats to the family. Campaign Life Coalition never compromises on basic principles, and encourages incremental policies that would increase respect and protection for human life.
Fully Human, Fully Equal
Science proves that human life begins at conception (fertilization) when a genetically unique human being comes into existence, with his own genetic code. A fully-formed miniature baby with all his parts can be seen at 7 weeks. Since the unborn is fully human, ending abortion is the social justice issue of our day.
Standing against threats to Life, Family & Faith
Almost daily, the culture of death spawns new threats to human life, the family and freedom. Campaign Life Coalition stands at the threshold helping to inform the public about these dangers and lobbying government representatives to stand against them. Our site will help you delve into these issues – and take action yourself!