Kathleen Wynne to pressure the DPCDSB on Pride flags?!
The news just keeps getting worse.
Last week, I shared how the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association is demanding that the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board re-open their flag policy to permit the flying of Gay Pride flags on flagpoles across the board... even though this policy was looked at just last June, and the majority of trustees ultimately decided against changing it!
A “Progress Pride flag” had been found last month in an elementary school in the board, paired with a crucifix. Instead of addressing this blasphemy, OECTA wants more Pride flags!
Now I’ve heard that in addition to OECTA, the former premier of Ontario, proud lesbian Kathleen Wynne, may be delegating at the DPCDSB By-Law/Policies Review Committee meeting tomorrow.
Pictured: Benjamin Levin, Justin Trudeau, & Kathleen Wynne
As you may recall, she was the one who introduced Ontario’s radical sex-ed curriculum, developed under former Deputy Education Minister Benjamin Levin (who was later convicted of child pornography charges).
Kathleen Wynne is not even Catholic, though! Why should she be pressuring Catholic trustees to violate Catholic teaching?
This is not the first time she’s targeted Catholics. She also delegated at a Toronto Catholic District School Board meeting a few years ago to bully trustees to reverse their decision and impose sanctions on faithful pro-life and pro-family trustee Mike Del Grande (and she was successful).
She’s the LGBTQ lobby’s gun for hire they pull out whenever things aren’t going their way.
As you can see, they’re throwing everything they have at the DPCDSB to get them to buckle.
That’s why it’s so important that everyday, faithful Catholics be there to counter this pressure. Please don’t rely on other parents to be there in your stead—we need you!
Please ask your pastor to attend dressed in his clerics. Offer to drive him to the meeting!
Please also write to the Archdiocese of Toronto ([email protected]) and ask them to weigh in on the debate and send delegates of their own. If non-Catholic politicians from outside the board are going to undermine denominational rights and use their fake moral authority to lean on trustees, the Archdiocese needs to have their backs!
Attend the Meeting
The committee meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, at 7 pm at the Catholic Education Centre (40 Matheson Blvd W, Mississauga).
Just as in June, we encourage you to dress in red for the Canadian flag and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
A couple of notes about what to expect:
Please show up early, especially if you want a seat. The board is usually prompt about starting at 7 pm.
It hasn’t been determined yet how many delegates will be permitted to speak. Unfortunately, LGBTQ activists have been planning this assault on our values since at least December, so the first several delegates will all be in favour of the Pride flag.
Please attend for whatever timespan you’re available—whether you have to arrive late or leave early—but if you can, please be patient and prepare to stay late.
There will undoubtedly be upsetting comments made by delegates or trustees. At each offense, make the sign of the cross, or take it as an opportunity to renew the intensity of your silent prayer. Do not heckle. Do not interrupt delegates or trustees. Commentary is not welcome from audience members.
Outbursts will cause the board to close the meeting to the public, which will surely hurt our cause.
Thankfully, this didn’t happen at the last meeting on Pride flags, but it has happened before, so please remind fellow attendees of this need to be respectful should they require a reminder.
Contact the Trustees
Also, if you haven’t contacted the DPCDSB trustees yet, please do so! A lot of flag proponents have been asserting their opinions—where are our voices in the fray? We can’t take any votes for granted.
The last time this issue arose, back in June, these six trustees voted against opening the flag policy: Herman Viloria, Thomas Thomas, Luz del Rosario, Darryl Brian D’Souza, Anisha Thomas, and Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi.
Trustees Herman Viloria and Paula Dametto-Giovanozzi have been against flying the Pride flag from the start. However, the other four thankfully changed their minds on the issue.
Trustees Mario Pascucci, Brea Corbet, and Bruno Iannicca voted in favour of changing the flag protocol in order to fly “additional flags,” like the Pride flag.
Trustees Shawn Xaviour and Stefano Pascucci were absent for the board meeting vote, but they had voted in favour of changing the policy during a committee meeting the week prior.
As you can see, the margins are so tight, which is why we need you to email and call the trustees and to attend the meeting yourself.
Here’s their contact info again:
Trustee Mario Pascucci
Mississauga Wards: 1 & 3
Tel: 905-302-3096 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Herman Viloria
Mississauga Wards 2 & 8
Tel: 416-452-9345 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Thomas Thomas
Mississauga Ward 5
Tel: 905-601-4345 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Luz del Rosario
Mississauga Ward 6 & 11
Tel: 416-528-6447 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Darryl Brian D'Souza
Brampton Wards: 2, 5 & 6
Phone: 416-528-8515 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Brea Corbet
Mississauga Wards 9 & 10
Tel: 905-301-9373 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Anisha Thomas
Brampton Wards 1, 3 & 4
Tel: 437-215-1676 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi
Tel: 437-215-7139 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Shawn Xaviour
Brampton Wards 7-10
Tel: 416-528-9622 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Bruno Iannicca
Mississauga Ward 7
Tel: 905-270-0536 Email: [email protected]
Trustee Stefano Pascucci
Mississauga Ward 4
Tel: 416-508-5543 Email: [email protected]
Please tell the trustees that if the board is going to change the flag protocol, then they should be explicitly prohibiting the display of Pride flags in classrooms. We don’t want more Pride flags hoisted up on flagpoles, even if radical LGBTQ activists like Kathleen Wynne demand it!
Once again, the By-Law/Policies Review Committee meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, at 7 pm at the DPCDSB Catholic Education Centre (40 Matheson Blvd W, Mississauga). Please, put it into your calendar now and set a reminder on your phone.
As providence would have it, tomorrow is also the Feast of St. Agnes, a martyr who is literally the patron saint of chastity. Catholics ought to invoke her intercession. May our trustees possess even a fraction of her faithfulness and courage.
Read our previous blog posts on the topic: