CLC Blog

CLC Blog

School caught targeting kids with sexualized books

WARNING: Some of the following details contain explicit content and is not suitable for children.

I don’t like starting off the new year with such disturbing news, but the truth about the LGBT grooming taking place at a Catholic school in Kitchener, Ontario must be exposed.

A concerned parent sent us photo evidence of a huge trove of homosexual and transgender propaganda books in the library at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School, which is part of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB).

The parent, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal against them or their children, took several pictures showing books currently in the school library that normalize drag queenslesbian romance and seductionteenage boys kissing, and boys saying they want to sleep with other boys.

Below are just some of the titles the faithful Catholic parent discovered out on display in this so-called “Catholic” library where Junior Kindergarteners right through Grade 8s come to select reading materials. Teachers also frequently select books from this library to read to their classrooms.


This is only a small sample of the dozens of homosexual propaganda books that are available at the elementary school’s library.

The next photo is a trio of highly sexualized, LGBT romance books which were set out prominently on a special display table, literally luring students to come “Try this book!”


These books about homosexual teen romance and seduction run contrary to Christian values like chastity, and the Biblical definition of marriage between one man and one woman.

Stuck with You describes a troubled teenaged boy wanting to sleep with another boy. I haven’t seen the entire book, so I’m not sure how explicit it gets, but have a look at this excerpt where Ben, the male narrator describes passionately kissing another teenage boy named Caleb:

“I leaned forward and kissed Caleb, right there in the hallway, in front of his friends, and my friends – I distinctly heard Raj leading a cheer behind me – and then Caleb was kissing me back and I didn’t hear much of anything after that. All I could process was how good a kisser he was and how he tasted like toothpaste and coffee. Weird combo. But I didn’t mind.”

These kinds of reading materials – promoting same-sex sexual promiscuity should never have been allowed into the building, much less singled out for extra promotion to the entire student body!

Also keep in mind that the children in Canadian Martyrs Elementary are between 4 to 13 years old!

Even if one were to set aside the fact that Catholic doctrine condemns homosexual acts as a grave sin, how are any books describing sexual seduction, passionate kissing and sleeping together appropriate in a Catholic school?

Even if these were books about heterosexual teens, they wouldn’t be appropriate! They open the door to corrupting the minds of young, impressionable children.

Let’s have a look at some of the inside pages of the illustrated children’s books targeting the youngest of grades, seemingly as young as kindergarten:

Are the Principal and librarian at Canadian Martyrs unaware that the Catholic Church teaches that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that all other unions are gravely sinful?

This question must also be asked of the WCDSB Director of Education and Trustees, since we’ve been able to confirm that these same books are available in other WCDSB schools.

Below is an example of brainwashing Catholic children to accept and celebrate homosexuality by manipulating emotions and the universal sentimentality for one’s grandparents.

In Queer History A to Z, a page titled "D is for Drag Culture" propagandizes Catholic children to celebrate transgenderism and transvestism, which are also condemned as sinful in the Bible and church teaching.

The presence of these materials at a Catholic elementary school is a serious spiritual scandal, which is why we need your help.


A library at a Catholic elementary school should be a place of learning the faith, not a den of sexual licentiousness, so we need to do something about this.

STEP 1 – Pray hard

The first thing we need to do is pray.

Political action and activism is important, but if our efforts aren’t rooted in prayer, we will not succeed.

There’s a saying I’m reminded of here, one that’s often attributed to St. Ignatius of Loyola:

“Work like everything depends on you, and pray like everything depends on God.”

That’s good advice, indeed, so let’s heed it.

STEP 2 – Contact the people in authority

Contact the principal at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School and respectfully express your concerns about these LGBT propaganda books in his library:

Gary Lankowski, Principal
Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School
Phone: 519-578-7579
Email: [email protected]

Then, call and email the elected WCDSB school trustees and again, respectfully express your concerns. Here’s their contact information:

Trustee Robert Sikora (Cambridge / North Dumfries)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2164
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Linda Cuff (Waterloo / Wellesley / Woolwich)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2168
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Renee Kraft (Kitchener / Wilmot)
Phone: 519-578-3677 Ext. 2139
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Tracey Weiler (Kitchener / Wilmot)
Phone: 519-578-3677 Ext. 2131
Email: [email protected]

Kathy Doherty-Masters (Kitchener / Wilmot)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2156
Email: [email protected]

Trustee David Guerin (Cambridge / North Dumfries)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2162
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Winston Francis (Kitchener / Wilmot)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2160
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Marisa Phillips (Cambridge / North Dumfries)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2166
Email: [email protected]

Trustee Conrad Stanley (Waterloo / Wellesley / Woolwich)
Phone: 519-578-3660 Ext. 2158
Email: [email protected]

We also need to respectfully demand action from the local bishop. He has a Canon Law responsibility to ensure that Catholic schools teach the authentic Catholic faith or otherwise lose the right to use the name “Catholic”:

The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI
Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton
Phone: 905-528-7988 Ext. 2222

These homosexual propaganda books need to be removed immediately from the school’s library, and from every library in the WCDSB. So, be sure to make those phone calls and send those emails right away and entrust our efforts to the Holy Spirit.

In closing, I'd like to reinforce that this kind of LGBT activism isn't unique to this one school board. It's sweeping over our nation. Even if you don't live in Kitchener-Waterloo, please get involved nonetheless. Perhaps you can find out if these types of books are present in your children's and grandchildren's schools?


