CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Take a stand against LGBT books in Catholic schools

WARNING: Some of the following content is inappropriate and should not be seen by children.

This is short notice, I know, but I need your help to fight back against the LGBT grooming taking place at a Catholic elementary school in Kitchener.

I have an important call-to-action that I hope you’ll participate in, but first, I’ll recap the situation in case you missed my email on Monday.

We exposed the shocking stockpile of homosexual and transgender propaganda books in the library at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School, which is part of the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB).

We couldn’t fit all the inappropriate material into a single email, so here’s a look at some of the other pages, like this one from a book titled Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism:

The Church - and biblical teaching - condemns homosexual acts as sinful. So why is this Catholic elementary school promoting same-sex sexual activity to its students?

Speaking of confusing evil for good, there’s another page you need to see from the same book that promotes the slogan “Gay is good”:

That brief statement speaks volumes about the inappropriateness of the book because it runs completely contrary to the millenia-old Christian position on the matter. What this slogan inevitably conveys to impressionable children is that everything about the gay lifestyle is good, including the sexual relations they engage in.

As The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches in paragraph 2357, homosexual acts are “acts of grave depravity” which are “intrinsically disordered,” and are therefore “contrary to the natural law,” but now …

Young children at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School are being sold the lie that “Gay is good.” Maybe the author missed the part of the Bible where it says: “Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)

There’s other disturbing content, too, like illustrations of lesbians in bed together, a boy wearing a dress, and a female priestess wearing a gay rainbow stole:

A page from the book Pride Puppy! by Robin Stevenson, showing two lesbians in bed together.

A page from the book We Are the Rainbow! The Colors of Pride by Claire Winslow.

A page from the book Pride Puppy! by Robin Stevenson.

A concerned parent sent us all this photo evidence of the disturbing content, and it’s concerning to us, too, which is why we’ve been sounding the alarm …

And it’s also why we need to take action.


We’re encouraging concerned parents and grandparents to delegate at the next WCDSB board meeting, to complain to the trustees about the presence of these books.

The WCDSB has its next monthly meeting scheduled for Monday, January 27th, and there’s still time to register as a delegate.

So, here’s your chance to remind the Trustees about their duty and obligation to uphold Catholic Teaching–even in the school libraries that fall under their jurisdiction.

The deadline to register as a delegate is next Monday, January 20th, at 9:00 a.m.

If you’re interested, please email [email protected]. If you’re approved as a delegate, you’ll be allotted 10 minutes to speak.

When you email, it would be a good idea to Cc the Board Chair and Vice-Chair just to ensure your application gets through. Here is an email string you can copy and paste, with both their emails: [email protected][email protected].

If you’re interested in delegating, here’s an idea... why not take out from the library one of the gay teen romance books that we reported on in our first email, and then read out some of the sexually inappropriate content to the trustees? Then, ask them if they believe that’s appropriate in a religious Catholic school.

Finally, please pray for all the WCDSB school trustees and administrators that they may be faithful to God. Pray especially for the conversion of the Director of Education, Tyrone Dowling, who is responsible for signing off on operation decisions, which includes the purchase of books.

In fact, Rebel News reported last year that Director Dowling had requested a $300,000 budget to buy LGBTQ2S+ books and other propaganda materials. Fortunately, some of the trustees pushed back and whittled that down to $30,000. Perhaps these books at Canadian Martyrs are what Dowling got for his money?

It’s my hope that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and inspire them to get rid of these awful books from every library in the WCDSB.

