CLC Blog

CLC Blog
I’m pro-life and took the COVID vaccine. I now regret it
I’m pro-life and took the COVID vaccine. I now regret it
Posted on: August 24, 2022 @ 2:25pm By: Patricia Maloney
"I wish I had stood my ground for the sake of the babies who were murdered for their body parts and also for the sake of opposing the arbitrary governmental control that was taking away our rights and freedoms."
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Powerful promises ahead of the UCP membership deadline
Powerful promises ahead of the UCP membership deadline
Posted on: August 12, 2022 @ 8:29am By: Jack Fonseca
I have some great news about one of the candidates in the United Conservative Party’s leadership race. It’s exactly the kind of thing you want to hear from someone who’s running to be the future premier of Alberta, and I wanted to make sure you knew about it before tonight’s big deadline. I’ll get to more on that critical timing in a moment, but first, I want to fill you on the latest about Todd Loewen and his recent interview with Campaign Life Coalition.
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Abortion reversal is happening in Canada, and lives are being saved
Abortion reversal is happening in Canada, and lives are being saved
Posted on: August 9, 2022 @ 3:28pm By: Shanelle Pettigrue
Women who have begun a chemical abortion have a second chance to choose life.
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Pro-life Premier, anyone?
Pro-life Premier, anyone?
Posted on: August 9, 2022 @ 1:39pm By: Jack Fonseca
Do you think it’s time for Alberta to be led by a Premier who stands for the sanctity of life, family, faith and freedom? I certainly do. You have a golden opportunity to install such a Premier, right now, by joining the United Conservative Party of Alberta no later than August 12th,, the deadline to become a voting member.
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Why pro-lifers must reclaim city councils across Canada
Why pro-lifers must reclaim city councils across Canada
Posted on: August 8, 2022 @ 12:32pm By: Beth Connell
With municipal elections coming up in various provinces this fall, it is vital that we elect pro-life city councillors.
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Newfoundland taxpayers forced to prop up failing abortion mill
Newfoundland taxpayers forced to prop up failing abortion mill
Posted on: July 27, 2022 @ 2:09pm By: Ruth Robert
"This bail-out is unjust and unfair. It needs to end now."
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God-fearing trustees needed to right this sinking ship
God-fearing trustees needed to right this sinking ship
Posted on: July 26, 2022 @ 9:51am By: Jack Fonseca
I want to share with you some examples of why Christians and people of other faiths must elect God-fearing school trustees in their local school boards this October 24th in the upcoming Ontario municipal elections.
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WATCH: Man sexually harasses young pro-life activists
WATCH: Man sexually harasses young pro-life activists
Posted on: July 18, 2022 @ 10:40am By: Beth Connell and Josie Luetke
While doing pro-life activism in Hamilton, Ontario, a number of young people were approached by an older man who thrust a pornographic video in their faces despite their repeated protests.
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WATCH: ‘I’ll put a bullet in your head’: Man violently assaults Canadian pro-life woman
WATCH: ‘I’ll put a bullet in your head’: Man violently assaults Canadian pro-life woman
Posted on: July 15, 2022 @ 12:45pm By: Pete Baklinski
The pro-life woman said that she’s not surprised that support for abortion, which is an act of violence against pre-born people, leads to acts of violence against born people.
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Ballots arriving today!
Ballots arriving today!
Posted on: July 7, 2022 @ 5:09pm By: Jack Fonseca
Voting has begun for CPC Leader
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