CLC Blog

CLC Blog
Why pro-lifers can celebrate Canada Day despite 4 million dead by abortion
Why pro-lifers can celebrate Canada Day despite 4 million dead by abortion
Posted on: June 30, 2022 @ 3:15pm By: Pete Baklinski
"I’m certainly proud to live in a country that recognizes, in principle, the supremacy of God and everyone’s right to life. It’s because of these two principles that I believe a day of justice will one day arrive for the preborn where they will be honoured, respected, and protected in the womb as the human beings they truly are."
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‘Canadian pro-life victory’: MP motions supporting abortion in response to Roe all fail
‘Canadian pro-life victory’: MP motions supporting abortion in response to Roe all fail
Posted on: June 30, 2022 @ 1:59pm By: Mary Zwicker
"It’s no small pro-life victory for the pro-life movement here in Canada that not a single pro-abortion motion passed in the House of Commons in the wake of the expectation that Roe would be overturned."
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Trudeau Liberals Denounce Roe v. Wade Defeat
Trudeau Liberals Denounce Roe v. Wade Defeat
Posted on: June 28, 2022 @ 2:29pm By: David Cooke
The Trudeau government is gearing up to enshrine a "right to abortion" in Canadian law.
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Trudeau gov’t stomps on pro-life petitioners begging him not to destroy pregnancy centres
Trudeau gov’t stomps on pro-life petitioners begging him not to destroy pregnancy centres
Posted on: June 23, 2022 @ 10:35am By: Mary Zwicker
The Trudeau government stated it is ‘committed to taking action’ against pro-life pregnancy centres.
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Bill S-248 Legalizes Killing Dementia Patients
Bill S-248 Legalizes Killing Dementia Patients
Posted on: June 16, 2022 @ 1:58pm By: David Cooke
Under Bill S-248, if you are ill or disabled, you can sign an advanced directive that authorizes your healthcare provider to act as Grim Reaper once they determine you are incapacitated.
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New Canadian children’s book says its ok to kill grandma
New Canadian children’s book says its ok to kill grandma
Posted on: June 15, 2022 @ 3:37pm By: Mary Zwicker
“They want to normalize this stuff so that children grow up thinking it’s normal and healthy and good.”
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How pro-life parents should talk to their kids about abortion
How pro-life parents should talk to their kids about abortion
Posted on: June 9, 2022 @ 1:09pm By: Beth Connell
"Pro-life parents need to speak the truth about the humanity of the preborn, about the beauty and wonder of life in the womb, teaching their children about the gift of life."
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Babylon Bee CEO: Left’s ‘harmful misinformation’ on abortion ‘actually costs lives’
Babylon Bee CEO: Left’s ‘harmful misinformation’ on abortion ‘actually costs lives’
Posted on: June 1, 2022 @ 3:38pm By: Beth Connell
"Harmful misinformation is telling a woman that abortion is a decision about her body when another body and life is at stake."
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Two candidates in Ontario election were interns at Canada’s top pro-life organization
Two candidates in Ontario election were interns at Canada’s top pro-life organization
Posted on: May 26, 2022 @ 3:27pm By: Beth Connell
'Both of them are proudly pro-life and are bringing their pro-life convictions into their politics.'
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Negligence, lack of care contributed to death of elderly in Quebec long-term homes during pandemic, coroner report finds
Negligence, lack of care contributed to death of elderly in Quebec long-term homes during pandemic, coroner report finds
Posted on: May 26, 2022 @ 1:22pm By: Georges Buscemi
'In her report, Mrs. Kamel confirmed the fact that negligence and lack of care played an important role in several deaths in CHSLDs during the first wave.'
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