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Euthanasia Patients are Lab Rats

How can the Canadian government get away with murder? That is my question after learning the truth about treatments prescribed for “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAiD) in Canada.  

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian government stressed the importance of treatments that were “officially approved” in the fight against the virus. Only drugs and vaccines that received the imprimatur of Health Canada were deemed acceptable for public use and government mandates. We were assured that these products had met a certain standard in terms of testing, efficacy, and purity. Whereas treatments that were widely used for other diseases but not specifically approved for COVID-19 were deemed unacceptable or potentially dangerous because they were not officially tested against the virus.

Whether or not we agree that the approved vaccines were up to snuff given their rushed development, we must agree that having standards is always a good thing. An “official approval” from Health Canada is supposed to mean something, and without it, we should be very leery about any untested or unproven treatments.

According to the Government of Canada, “Health Canada’s HPFB [Health Products and Food Branch] is the national authority that regulates, evaluates and monitors the safety, efficacy, and quality of therapeutic and diagnostic products available to Canadians. These products include drugs, medical devices, disinfectants and sanitizers with disinfectant claims… If there is insufficient evidence to support the safety, efficacy or quality claims, HPFB will not grant a marketing authorization for the drug. All drugs granted marketing authorization in Canada are reviewed to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Food and Drugs Act.”

No matter the situation a patient might be facing, he or she expects to turn to Health Canada for critical information on any relevant treatments that are available. Patients need to know – and have a right to know – the answers to some very critical questions: Has a given medication been thoroughly tested? What are its known side effects? Has it met certain standards? Has it been approved for my particular condition? What is the correct dosage? Is it safe?

When it comes to one particular “treatment” legalized in 2016, the Canadian public may be shocked to learn that no Health Canada approval has been secured, no testing has been conducted, and no official drug data is available. For seven years, untested and unapproved medications have been used – and continue to be used – effectively turning patients into lab rats.

When the government of Justin Trudeau enacted the legalization of so-called “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAiD), it assumed certain medications would be used to “treat” suicidal patients who believed their suffering was intolerable due to a serious illness or disability. That “treatment” would result in the murder of the patient, ending his or her life unnaturally.

But how were these “medications” tested? What are the dosage requirements? How do they work and how fast do they work? Are there any complications? Do they cause pain and suffering? What if they do not work? Do we have any assurances that these medications have been scrutinized by experts?

Health Canada

Seeking clear answers, I wrote to Health Canada with two simple questions:

  1. Can you provide a list of drugs that have been approved by Health Canada for MAiD?
  2. Can you provide links to the testing and safety data associated with the use of these drugs?

To be clear, I am totally opposed to MAiD and the idea of killing the sick and disabled, even with their consent. I am absolutely convinced this is a crime against humanity and a sin against God. The commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), is rather unambiguous.

Nevertheless, it is important to know if the government has followed its own rules and “safeguards” when it legalized this unholy medical “treatment”. If the government wants to permit euthansaia, call it a “medical procedure”, and embed it within our Canadian health care system, then it needs to be willing to stand behind the actual medications and procedures used to put patients to death.

However, the government is standing behind nothing. In response to my two questions, an official with Health Canada offered this astounding reply: “Currently, there are no drugs authorized by Health Canada specifically for the indication of Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD).”

In other words, the medications and treatments dispensed by death doctors are completely unapproved and essentially experimental. They have not been tested. Efficacy, side effects, and complications are unknown, except by trial and error. Dosage requirements must be guessed. Safeguards in handling, use, and storage related to euthanasia are non-existent. This means that seriously ill and disabled patients are being treated as lab rats.

I was able to confirm this horrific reality through a study published in the CMAJ Open journal, a subsidiary of the Canadian Medical Association. In that study, I discovered that death doctors are making up the rules as they go along, without the authorization of Health Canada. The authors write: “Although the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers [i.e. a private death doctor group] has released a guidance document for intravenous administration of drugs, limited data exist on the specific medications, dosages, timing of administration and complications during clinician-administered MAiD.”

It is true that there are times when unapproved drugs are permitted to be used in Canada under extraordinary circumstances. If a medication has not met all the standards of Health Canada, but a doctor recommends it for a unique patient situation, a special legal exemption may be obtained. Health Canada’s “Special Access Program” allows for access to an unlicensed medication under very narrowly-defined conditions, only where “conventional therapies have failed or are inappropriate.” In this case, the doctor must seek individual approval for the drug from Health Canada one patient at a time. However, the drugs used for euthanasia killings have not secured this legal exemption.

Four of the drugs reportedly used in Canada by death doctors are: Midazolam, Propofol, Rocuronium, and Cisatracurium. These drugs are not approved for MAiD. However, since these drugs have been approved for other uses as anesthetics or muscle relaxants, their monographs are listed on the Health Canada website with detailed directions and warnings. But no information is given on how they might be used to kill patients with varying conditions and circumstances.

Death doctors are ending the lives of their patients by making up drug cocktails that are unauthorized, untested, and with unknown safety and efficacy. In effect, what we are seeing is a Mengele experiment conducted on hurting, vulnerable, and disabled Canadians!

It would do us well to remember the evil genius of Dr. Josef Mengele, a German Ph.D. during the Nazi era. Dr. Mengele subjected twins and other “abnormal” humans to every imaginable medical procedure. Afterwards, he administered lethal injections and autopsied them to study their internal organs. This unconscionable killing and experimentation on innocent human lives was universally condemned. It was wrong in the 1940s, and it is still wrong in the 2020s.

The government of Canada needs to stop following in the footsteps of Dr. Mengele. The use of unauthorized drugs for unauthorized and experimental purposes needs to be ended – especially when the patients involved are murdered. People are not lab rats.

If the government and medical establishment were so up-in-arms about the off-label use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 in 2021 and 2022, then why do they tolerate unauthorized and untested drugs in MAiD for thousands of Canadians every year? So far, over 30,000 Canadians have been killed using these drugs. Why the double standard? How can medical authorities continue to condone the unapproved use of these medications and procedures? Why are they allowing what is, in essence, deadly human experimentation to take place on Canadian soil?

It seems to me that we are dealing with an establishment that has been morally blinded. Many of our leaders have seared their consciences to the killing of innocent human life. They have deadened their souls by excusing a great moral evil. Therefore it is easy for them to ignore lesser sins – winking at drug standards, disregarding patient safety, overlooking established rules, and practising blatant hypocrisy. After all, these pale in comparison to murder.

If our Canadian medical system hopes to be trusted, and its authorities respected, action must be taken to end the experimental killing of hurting and disabled Canadians. Our health care system is being rapidly transformed into a death care system, and our government is getting away with murder. This has got to stop!

Will someone at Health Canada, or in Parliament, speak up?
