CLC Blog

CLC Blog
Out of thin air... Explaining the buy-in fee.
Out of thin air... Explaining the buy-in fee.
Posted on: May 4, 2022 @ 3:18pm By: Jack Fonseca
CPC bureaucrats invented rule, on the fly, to block social conservatives from getting on the ballot
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The red Tory swamp strikes back
The red Tory swamp strikes back
Posted on: May 2, 2022 @ 7:54pm By: Jack Fonseca
Pro-life candidates barred despite meeting fundraising & signature requirements laid out by the party.
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CANCELLED: billions of $ in abortion funding!
CANCELLED: billions of $ in abortion funding!
Posted on: April 29, 2022 @ 12:39pm By: Jack Fonseca
Want to cancel the billions of taxpayers dollars that Justin Trudeau is funnelling to Africa and other foreign countries to pay for abortions? If so, you need to help Grant Abraham make it onto the final ballot for the Conservative Party leadership race.
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24 hours left for CPC leadership cut-off
24 hours left for CPC leadership cut-off
Posted on: April 28, 2022 @ 12:40pm By: Jack Fonseca
Two down! Two more to go.
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BREAKING: Candidate unveils blockbuster so-con policy platform
BREAKING: Candidate unveils blockbuster so-con policy platform
Posted on: April 27, 2022 @ 3:24pm By: Jack Fonseca
MP Marc Dalton posts 12-point plan on abortion, euthanasia, family & faith. This is the most impressive so-con policy platform in the Conservative Leadership race so far.
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CPC leadership candidate promises to repeal anti-family legislation by Trudeau
CPC leadership candidate promises to repeal anti-family legislation by Trudeau
Posted on: April 26, 2022 @ 9:07am By: Jack Fonseca
In June of last year, Justin Trudeau criminalized any effort by parents to help their children with gender identity confusion to feel comfortable with the body God gave them. Simply affirming their confused young child as a boy or a girl in accordance with their biological reality can land loving moms and dads in jail for up to 5 years, under Liberal Bill C-4.
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Candidates talk up abortion, family & faith
Candidates talk up abortion, family & faith
Posted on: April 18, 2022 @ 6:37am By: Jack Fonseca
Joseph Bourgault, Marc Dalton & Grant Abraham are shaking up the CPC Leadership campaign by boldly proclaiming their pro-life, pro-family and pro-faith convictions.
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Pro-life advocates fast on bread and water for 40 days, save 6 babies from abortion
Pro-life advocates fast on bread and water for 40 days, save 6 babies from abortion
Posted on: April 12, 2022 @ 9:41am By: Pete Baklinski
'In the Scriptures, there are demons who can only be cast out through prayer and fasting.'
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URGENT: Deadline approaches; Fourth pro-lifer endorsed
URGENT: Deadline approaches; Fourth pro-lifer endorsed
Posted on: April 11, 2022 @ 6:52am By: Jack Fonseca
CLC has endorsed Joseph Bourgault. He joins three other great so-cons in the CPC Leadership contest. The challenge now is to ensure all four of them make it onto the final ballot. Help us get there!
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Trudeau’s 2022 budget promotes evil that undermines the family
Trudeau’s 2022 budget promotes evil that undermines the family
Posted on: April 8, 2022 @ 4:09pm By: CLC Staff
This budget shows the Liberals’ deep-seated commitment to advancing ideological positions that undermine the family, the cell of society, and are therefore destructive to the social fabric of our country.
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