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Nova Scotia (change)

Member of Parliament Constituency Caucus
Kerr, Carman Annapolis Liberal
Thompson, Michelle Antigonish Progressive Conservative
LeBlanc, Colton Argyle Progressive Conservative
Clark, Braedon Bedford South Liberal
Coombes, Kendra Cape Breton Centre-Whitney Pier New Democratic
Comer, Brian Cape Breton East Progressive Conservative
Barkhouse, Danielle Chester-St. Margaret's Progressive Conservative
LeBlanc, Ronnie Clare Liberal
Taggart, Tom Colchester North Progressive Conservative
Smith-McCrossin, Elizabeth Cumberland North Independent
Rushton, Tory Cumberland South Progressive Conservative
Halman, Tim Dartmouth East Progressive Conservative
Leblanc, Susan Dartmouth North New Democratic
Chender, Claudia Dartmouth South New Democratic
Balser, Jill Digby-Annapolis Progressive Conservative
Adams, Barbara Eastern Passage Progressive Conservative
Smith, Kent Eastern Shore Progressive Conservative
Arab, Patricia Fairview-Clayton Park Liberal
White, John Glace Bay-Dominion Progressive Conservative
Morrow, Greg Guysborough-Tracadie Progressive Conservative
Duale, Ali Halifax Armdale Liberal
Maguire, Brendan Halifax Atlantic Progressive Conservative
Lachance, Lisa Halifax Citadel-Sable Island New Democratic
Hansen, Suzy Halifax Needham New Democratic
Jessome, Ben Hammonds Plains-Lucasville Liberal
MacDonald, John A. Hants East Progressive Conservative
Sheehy-Richard, Melissa Hants West Progressive Conservative
Lohr, John Kings North Progressive Conservative
Palmer, Chris Kings West Progressive Conservative
Corkum-Greek, Susan Lunenburg Progressive Conservative
Druhan, Becky Lunenburg West Progressive Conservative
Tilley, Fred Northside-Westmount Progressive Conservative
Houston, Tim Pictou East Progressive Conservative
MacLeod, Marco Pictou West Progressive Conservative
Grosse, Twila Preston Progressive Conservative
Masland, Kim Queens Progressive Conservative
Boudreau, Trevor Richmond Progressive Conservative
Johns, Brad Sackville-Uniacke Progressive Conservative
Young, Nolan Shelburne Progressive Conservative
Mombourquette, Derek Sydney-Membertou Liberal
Rankin, Iain Timberlea-Prospect Liberal
Ritcey, Dave Truro-Bible Hill-Millbrook-Salmon River Progressive Conservative
Wong , Brian Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank Progressive Conservative
Churchill, Zach Yarmouth Liberal