Campaign Life Coalition endorses Tanya Granic Allen for Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PCPO). |
Tanya is a well-known, pro-life and pro-family advocate. She respects the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, without exceptions. Tanya is also a strong advocate for free speech and religious freedom. As president of a parental rights advocacy group (PAFE), Tanya was one of the key parental rights leaders working to repeal Kathleen Wynne's radical, age-inappropriate, sex ed curriculum. We know that Tanya would make an excellent party leader. As Premier, she would waste no time in repealing the Wynne/Levin sex program, and she would support all possible legislative and policy measures to advance respect for the dignity of human life. PC members can vote on-line up to 12pm (noon) on Friday March 9th. In order to vote, you must have joined the PC Party of Ontario by February 16th and you must go online to verify the PIN you should already have received in the mail, by NO LATER than 8:00p.m., Wednesday, March 8th. For guidelines on PIN Verification, please go to: If you have difficulties, please call the PC Party's Help Line at 1-800-903-6453. |
We have rated Ford as "Educable". See our candidate evaluation based on key life & family issues. Please mark him as #2 on the ballot. |
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Following are some of the criteria used by CLC to rate Ford as being "Educable", based primarily on an interview with CLC: ABORTION: Says he is "personally pro-life" but harbours exceptions for the so-called "hard cases" of rape & incest for which he unfortunately believes it is acceptable to kill children in the womb. (Note: CLC believes that is never morally licit to kill innocent preborn children regardless of the circumstances of their conception. To punish a child for her father's crimes is fundamentally unjust.) On a more positive note, Ford has said on the campaign trail that he believes parents should be consulted before their minor children can access abortion. "Kids can't even get their tonsils out without the approval of their parents," Ford told reporters. "I think we've got to consult parents, and that's what we have to do." Ford explained to journalists why he believes parental involvement in abortion decisions for children is common sense. “My friends, you have to give a note to your kids when they’re 12 and 13 years old to go on a field trip. You have to approve even getting their tonsils out, but you don’t have to approve and keep secret with a 12- and 13-year-old?” Ford said, according to Metro News. "I don’t know too many parents that would approve any of their kids going on a field trip without their knowledge. I don’t see anyone ever approving an operation on their children when they’re 12- and 13-years-old without approval... I don’t know why politicians are afraid to talk about this". RADICAL SEX ED: Promised Campaign Life that he would repeal the Wynne/Levin sex curriculum as "an early priority" in his adminstration, should he become Premier, not just "revisit" it. CONSCIENCE RIGHTS LEGISLATION: Doug told us he would bring forward conscience rights legislation to protect doctors from being coerced by the College of Physicians & Surgeons to participate in (or give referrals for) euthanasia and abortion. BUBBLE ZONES: Told us that he disagrees with the Liberal government's censorship legislation, Bill 163, which prohibits peaceful pro-life expression and free speech on taxpayer-owned, public sidewalks DEMOCRACY: Will never coerce MPPs to vote against their conscience on moral issues such as abortion and euthanasia. The only whipped vote will be the budget. Otherwise MPPs will always be allowed free votes. Outside of our interview questions, there is much on the public record about Ford's views on Toronto's controversial gay pride parade which routinely features shocking displays of full frontal nudity, mock sex acts, sado-masochism and sexual bondage -- in full view of children. This public record can also be considered an indicator of where Doug stands with respect to the pro-family values that are important to many socially conservative members of the PC party. Doug and his famous brother Rob, the late Toronto Mayor, consistently refused to march in the gay pride parade. Doug had the fortitude to publicly criticize "the idea of men — you know, middle-aged men, with pot bellies, running down the street buck naked". Inspite of this, and unfortunately so, Doug told reporters he donated to a gay pride group. He also attended a homosexual pride flag raising at city hall. |
The rest of the candidates are pro-abortion and anti-parental rights. Do not rank on the ballot, as they do not merit the consideration of pro-life and social conservative voters. This will send a strong (and long overdue) message to the establishment elites: if you do not support social conservative policies and principles, or if you act against them, you will not get our votes, volunteerism or donations. |
Following are some of the criteria used by CLC to rate Elliott: ABORTION: Elliott identifies as "personally pro-choice" which means she supports abortion. On the campaign trail, Elliott also stated that she would not support legislation that would restore the right of parents to be consulted before their minor children can access abortion - a truly extremist view. CONSCIENCE RIGHTS: Has stated that she will protect the conscience rights of healthcare workers (and institutions) who disagree with procedures like euthanasia. TRANSGENDER IDEOLOGY: As an MPP, Elliott co-sponsored a radical NDP bill which enshrined the false ideologies of "gender identity" and "gender expression" in law, thus granting biological males the legal right to access girls washrooms in Ontario. It also afforded leftist school bureaucrats more cover to push transgender ideology on young children. Bill 33, co-sponsored by Elliott and NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo, was a provincial version of the federal gender identity bill, C-16, which Dr. Jordan Peterson famously fought against on the grounds that it ushered in "compelled speech". PARENTAL CHOICE: She voted in favour of an NDP private members bill which took away parental choice in family counselling decisions. Bill 77 made it illegal for parents to obtain psychotherapy for a child who is confused about their gender, and who want to help their child accept their biologicial reality. RADICAL SEX ED: During her last bid for the PC Leadership in 2015, Elliott defended Kathleen Wynne's pedophile-influenced sex curriculum. She even attacked other leadership candidates for opposing the Liberal sex program for elementary schools. For this reason, CLC feels that her sudden conversion on the 2018 campaign trail, claiming that she will "revisit" the sex ed curriculum and she'll support giving advance notice of lessons to parents, is an empty promise that cannot be trusted. In fact, her MPP voting record makes evident that she is a committed and passionate advocate for the radical LGBTTIQ ideology woven throughout the entire curriculum. It is possible - even likely - that Elliott is trying to "pull a Patrick Brown" on PC members. HOSTILITY TOWARD SOCONS: During a 2015 TVO debate, Elliott made clear her contempt for social conservatives and implied that as Leader, she'd ensure they had no influence in the party, telling host Steve Paiken, "the constituency that I am concerned about. That is, the social conservative group within the party would take over … I just don’t think we will win if we go out with that kind of a position in the next campaign". DEMOCRACY: During the current 2018 leadership campaign, Elliott has promised that under her leadership, MPPs would be free to vote their conscience on moral issues. That is a worthy prize, but CLC fears she cannnot be trusted to keep her promise. After all, she voted in favour of Bill 77, making it illegal for parents to obtain therapy for their own children, and in keeping with their conscience and moral perspective. That bill also made it illegal for traditionally-principled psychotherapists to continue providing professional help to gender-confused clients, in keeping with their conscientious belief that boys cannot become girls just because they feel that way in their minds. If Elliott was willing to use the force of law to ruthlessly stamp out conscientious belief in the area of parental choice and professional services, how can she be trusted to honour the conscience rights of MPPs? At least in the area of legislative votes on gender ideology and LGBT issues, that prospect seems highly unlikely. FREE SPEECH: Again during this 2018 leadership, Elliott put out a vague statement saying she will defend free speech on university campuses. The truth is that her past actions have done the exact opposite. She has helped to exacerbate the supression of free speech on campuses across Ontario. By co-sponsoring the gender identity Bill 33, which became law, she ushered in state-enforced, compelled speech. Thanks to Elliott's legilsation, militant transgender activists are able to demand that Ontarians utter their preferrred personal pronouns such as "zhe" and "zhir", both on and off campus, with the Ontario Human Rights Commission as the state enforcer. Therefore Elliott's campaign promise rings hollow and we feel she is trying to pull another Patrick Brown. |
Following are some of the criteria used by CLC to rate Mulroney: ABORTION: Although she did not respond to CLC's election questionnaire, she has stated publicly that she favours abortion being legal. She also told another pro-life organization that if a parental notification law were brought forward in the legislature to notify parents whenever a minor child seeks an abortion, she would allow MPPs to vote freely, but that she would personally vote against it. When Mulroney was asked by the media about her stance on whether she would support parental consultation before minor children can access abortion, she gave a stern pro-abortion response: "I oppose any changes to abortion access, any changes that criminalize a woman's right to choose. " RADICAL SEX ED: She is the only leadership candidate who has said she will not re-open Kathleen Wynne's age-inappropriate sex ed curriculum. This makes her a foe of parental rights. According to a CLC supporter who attended a Mulroney campaign event in Sault Ste. Marie and who asked a question about the curriculum, Mulroney "said quite clearly that she has children in school being taught the sex-ed program and didn’t have any problems with it". During the second televised debate, Mulroney was challenged by Granic Allen on whether she would support giving advance notice to parents about sex ed lessons so that parents could decide whether or not to withdraw their child from class. Mulroney avoided answering the question. LGBT IDEOLOGY: Shortly after entering the race, Mulroney gave a shout-out on twitter to the gay-activist lobby group calling itself LGBTory. It included a photo of herself at the LGBTory booth at the Manning Conference in Ottawa. This signals that if elected Leader, she is not going to be friendly to social conservatives. Nor is she likely to be any sort of champion for traditional family values. The LGBTory group defends the Liberal sex curriculum, is pro-abortion, and successfully spearheaded a campaign to remove support for natural marriage from the federal Conservative policy declaration in 2016. DEMOCRACY: Has said she will allow free votes by MPPs on moral issues. |
Patrick reversed virtually all of the pro-life and pro-family positions that he ran on while campaigning to win the PC Leadership race in 2015. Surprising everybody, he ended up defending and copying all of Kathleen Wynne's horrible policies. RADICAL SEX ED: He won the PC leadership in large part by selling memberships to parents who believed that he would repeal the curriculum. After winning, he came out in favour of the Liberal sex program. ABORTION: As a federal MP he had a perfect pro-life voting record, and during the 2015 leadership campaign, he assured CLC of his commitment to the pro-life cause. Not long after winning the leadership, he announced that he was "pro-choice". He even whipped the PC MPPs to vote in favour of the pro-abortion bubble zone legislation. MARRIAGE: As a federal MP he voted to defend traditional marriage. During the 2015 leadership campaign, he assured CLC of his pro-family principles. After winning the leadership however, he renounced his past belief in one-man, one-woman marriage. DEMOCRACY: As PC leader, Brown blocked the nomination of many pro-life and pro-family candidates in various ridings, even admitting to them in several cases that it was because of their social conservative values. |