CLC Blog

CLC Blog
The anti-life forces are back at the UN, but they are not alone
The anti-life forces are back at the UN, but they are not alone
Posted on: April 8, 2014 @ 9:33am By: CLC UN Team
The anti-life forces are back at the UN for the forty-seventh Commission on Population and Development, promoting their radical agenda of sexual and reproductive health rights, which include pushing for abortion as a human right. Luckily they are not alone...
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Posted on: February 27, 2014 @ 9:00am By: Johanne Brownrigg
“Safe, legal and rare”- the famous abortion catch phrase we’ve all come to recognize as a colossal lie. As with all deception, one lie leads to another, and another, until it becomes farcical. The Emperor’s New Clothes has that whole story buttoned up.
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Clueless: Ontario's Health Minister Deb Matthews on abortion
Clueless: Ontario's Health Minister Deb Matthews on abortion
Posted on: November 15, 2013 @ 10:06am By: Jack Fonseca
Ontario's Health Minister Deb Matthews, is supposed to be an expert in how the province’s healthcare system works. However, her response to a defund abortion petition proves that she is clueless about how elective abortion is treated within the health care system.
I responded to correct Deb's false understanding.
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International Day of the (Born) Girl Child
International Day of the (Born) Girl Child
Posted on: October 11, 2013 @ 9:00am By: Matt Wojciechowski
...It’s no surprise, that on this second annual International Day of the Girl Child, 200 million girls are missing in this world because of sex-selective abortion and infanticide and most Canadian politicians remain silent...
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Hey Suzuki, Canada is not full and your policies would kill Medicare
Hey Suzuki, Canada is not full and your policies would kill Medicare
Posted on: July 25, 2013 @ 11:16am By: Jack Fonseca
During an interview recently, David Suzuki was quoted saying that “Canada is full”. He argued there's literally no space for immigrants in this vast country. He then slammed Canadian immigration policy as “disgusting” for trying to maintain our population (and therefore our economy) by bringing immigrants into the country.

If Saint Suzuki's de-population wish came true, our crumbling Medicare system and Old Age Security would finally collapse.
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The best of it
The best of it
Posted on: June 14, 2013 @ 4:33am By: Johanne Brownrigg
...Weak and bad parenting whether from a mother or a father is not sufficient to re-design the family. It is a call for self-improvement not re-engineering...
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The pro-life message remains unchanged
The pro-life message remains unchanged
Posted on: May 31, 2013 @ 10:42am By: Matt Wojciechowski
... Nothing in the message has changed. What has changed, and is continuously changing, is the attitude of this generation of Canadians who now have the science, the facts, and the images at their disposal to know what abortion is.
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I’m an aboriginal First Nations woman, and this is why I’m going to the March For Life!
I’m an aboriginal First Nations woman, and this is why I’m going to the March For Life!
Posted on: May 8, 2013 @ 3:01am By: Kerrie Sameul
Allow me to tell you why I decided to travel to the March For Life, all the way from reservation land in Manitoba, and how I view the abortion issue from the perspective of a First Nations aboriginal woman.
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Gosnell trial shows why Canada needs a Born Alive Infants Protection Act
Gosnell trial shows why Canada needs a Born Alive Infants Protection Act
Posted on: April 26, 2013 @ 3:23am By: Jack Fonseca
Witness testimony of beheadings and neck-snipping performed by Gosnell to murder 100+ children who were born alive after failed abortions, is revealing the correlation between legal abortion and infanticide.

The Gosnell trial is relevant to recent allegations that acts of infanticide on children who survive abortion are rampant in Canadian hospitals and private abortion facilities. In January, Conservative MPs Maurice Vellacott, Leon Benoit and Wladyslaw Lizon...
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Defunding Abortion - more popular than any political party in Ontario?
Defunding Abortion - more popular than any political party in Ontario?
Posted on: March 14, 2013 @ 4:53am By: Jack Fonseca
No, the title is not a joke.

Eliminating taxpayer funding for abortions that are not medically necessary is a political position that’s more popular amongst Ontarians than is the Liberal Party, the NDP or Tim Hudak’s PCs. So says a recent AngusReid opinion poll.

AngusReid released its latest abortion opinion poll results on January 28, 2013, timed to coincide with the 25th “anniversary” of the Morgentaler ruling which threw out Canada’s previous abortion law.
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