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CLC Blog
Student summer jobs, the latest casualty in Trudeau’s war on Canadian values and freedoms
Student summer jobs, the latest casualty in Trudeau’s war on Canadian values and freedoms
Posted on: December 19, 2017 @ 2:50am By: CLC Staff
If you’re an employer that believes that life should be legally protected from the moment of conception until natural death, or in the biblical definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, or that gender isn’t fluid but biologically defined… sorry but not sorry.
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More reasons why Patrick Brown can’t be trusted. Some will shock you.
More reasons why Patrick Brown can’t be trusted. Some will shock you.
Posted on: November 15, 2017 @ 4:58am By: Jack Fonseca
On November 13th, the PC Party announced the vote results of the winning policy proposals that would guide a future PC government. Every single one of the 139 policies that party members voted on from November 2nd to November 6th passed by a landslide; not a single one of the 139 policy proposals were defeated by voters, not even those so poorly written that you can’t understand what the heck it means. Curiously, most of the proposals garnered less than 15% NO votes.

That’s a very peculiar result, given that the two largest wings of the PC base (social conservatives & fiscal conservatives) are outraged with Brown for having rigged the policy process from the start.
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Justin Trudeau the abortion bully
Justin Trudeau the abortion bully
Posted on: August 28, 2017 @ 9:19am By: Matt Wojciechowski
Not only is abortion illegal in Ireland, the nation also boasts one of the world’s lowest rates of maternal mortality. The abortion industry along with their many friends at the United Nations claim that maternal mortality decreases when abortion is made legal. The Irish example proves them wrong and continues to be a thorn in their side.
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Ideological colonialism at the core of Canada’s foreign policy
Ideological colonialism at the core of Canada’s foreign policy
Posted on: June 8, 2017 @ 4:21am By: Matt Wojciechowski
The Canadian government’s imposition of Trudeau’s ‘values’ on the world’s poorest is nothing but ideological colonialism. But of course, because it deals with abortion, it’s ok. Business as usual in the House of Commons
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Justin Trudeau determined to spread abortion worldwide, despite global pushback
Justin Trudeau determined to spread abortion worldwide, despite global pushback
Posted on: April 3, 2017 @ 2:11am By: Matt Wojciechowski
This is a despicable form of colonialism in which the Trudeau government is foisting its far left, globalist values on the rest of the world; in essence: ideological colonialism
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I will huff and puff and blow your house down
I will huff and puff and blow your house down
Posted on: March 6, 2017 @ 3:03am By: Johanne Brownrigg
There is certainly something in the wind. Gale force winds. Eventually when I think about what has been happening in Ontario, I am reminded of the Big Bad Wolf telling the Three Little Pigs: “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blooooowww your house down!” Kathleen Wynne means it.
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So-cons aren't going away
Posted on: November 21, 2016 @ 5:03am By: CLC Staff
Thursday November 17th saw Ontarians in the Niagara region elect the youngest MPP ever to sit in the Ontario Legislature. At the same time, in an Ottawa-area riding, PC candidate Andre Marin was complaining about his by-election loss to Liberal candidate Nathalie Des Rosiers, pointing fingers at the grassroots membership of his own Party.
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Vote early, vote often
Vote early, vote often
Posted on: October 28, 2016 @ 3:29am By: CLC Staff
A Liberal candidate in Whitehorse, Yukon, is raising some eyebrows for potentially breaking election rules
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Molly was a baby
Molly was a baby
Posted on: October 21, 2016 @ 4:20am By: Johanne Brownrigg
Bill C225 Molly and Cassie’s Law didn’t pass as we all know. It had the word pre-born in it, so it was doomed to fail, as it would have if the word unborn had been used instead.
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Bill 28 – Our natural birthright
Posted on: October 19, 2016 @ 9:09am By: Dr. Scott Masson
It ought to be every child’s natural birthright to know who Mom and Dad are. When children don’t know one, or both, of their parents, they grieve. No legislation should provoke such a loss.
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