CLC Blog

CLC Blog
The climate change-abortion connection
The climate change-abortion connection
Posted on: April 9, 2021 @ 1:58am By: Jack Fonseca
The theory of man-made global warming is being used to advance population control through abortion and sterilization. And yet, the science used to justify the theory is in dispute.
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Don't Force Doctors to Kill
Don't Force Doctors to Kill
Posted on: April 1, 2021 @ 9:36am By: David Cooke
Sign our online petition in support of MP Kelly Block’s Bill C-268, which secures conscience protections for health care workers.
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End Sex-Selective Abortion
End Sex-Selective Abortion
Posted on: March 29, 2021 @ 10:30am By: David Cooke
Please show your support for Bill C-233 by signing the official House of Commons E-Petition before the deadline of April 10th.
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I Don't Want a Death Doctor!
I Don't Want a Death Doctor!
Posted on: February 26, 2021 @ 11:31am By: David Cooke
We need to have doctors, nurses, and pharmacists in Canada who refuse to kill! Bill C-268 will ensure this.
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Help Africa, Don't Eliminate Africans
Help Africa, Don't Eliminate Africans
Posted on: January 23, 2021 @ 2:51am By: David Cooke
Canada's feminist foreign aid policy is pushing abortion and LGBT dogma on Africa in the name of humanitarian aid.
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End Coercive Foreign Aid Now!
End Coercive Foreign Aid Now!
Posted on: January 16, 2021 @ 7:39am By: David Cooke
Life-or-death needs are taking a backseat to the goal of imposing radical feminism on Africa.
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Pro-Aborts Sue NB to Bail Out Abortuary
Pro-Aborts Sue NB to Bail Out Abortuary
Posted on: January 12, 2021 @ 10:47am By: David Cooke
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is trying to force the people of New Brunswick to fund the Clinic 554 abortuary
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Bill C-6 Just Got Worse!
Bill C-6 Just Got Worse!
Posted on: December 15, 2020 @ 11:38am By: David Cooke
If you thought Bill C-6 was bad as it was, take another look. It just got so much worse!
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Stop the Ban Rally Report
Stop the Ban Rally Report
Posted on: December 8, 2020 @ 11:20am By: David Cooke
On Dec. 4th around 100 concerned Canadians braved the cold and sleet to gather on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to protest the Trudeau government’s so-called “conversion therapy ban” (Bill C-6).
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Save the Girls
Save the Girls
Posted on: November 20, 2020 @ 10:06am By: Josie Luetke
Bill C-233, the Sex-Selective Abortion Act, would “make it an offence for a medical practitioner to perform an abortion knowing that the abortion is sought solely on the grounds of the child’s genetic sex.”
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