You have a pro-life option on Sept. 10th in Surrey South
It’s time to send John Horgan – and his pro-abortion NDP government – a clear message that pro-life values are winning values in B.C. …
And you can do that by helping to defeat Horgan’s pro-abortion/anti-family candidate in the upcoming provincial byelection in your riding.
To that end, I have great news for you.
Campaign Life Coalition has endorsed Mr. Harman Bhangu as the only pro-life, pro-family candidate in the race.
Bhangu is running for the Conservative Party of BC. Campaign Life Coalition believes this provincial party will experience rapid growth and eventually replace the BC Liberals as the official Opposition. The latter have abandoned the social conservatives who once felt at home in the party.
The Opposition BC Liberals have steadily pushed out and ostracized pro-life MLAs and moved to the far left of the political spectrum, sliding ever closer in ideology to the socialist, God-hating NDP.

ABOVE: Harman Bhangu,
the Conservative Party of British Columbia
candidate in Surrey South.
We know it’s frustrating when you feel like you might as well stay at home on Election Day because none of the candidates on the ballot share your values on the sanctity of life, parental rights in education, or religious freedom …
That’s why it’s so encouraging to know you can vote for Harman Bhangu on September 10th.
What are the other options?
As we hinted at above, the Opposition BC Liberals have abandoned pro-life voters like you. After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in the U.S., the BC Liberal leader doubled-down on his party’s support for the killing of unborn children in the womb.
Meanwhile, the NDP is officially pro-abortion.
In fact, back in 2001, the province’s ruling NDP government passed one of the most radical pro-abortion resolutions ever seen in North America …
One that included increased funding for the training of abortionists, enhanced access to abortifacient morning-after pills, and increased fees for the killing of unborn babies.
Things are worse now, especially when you look at how ruthless the province has been with its attacks on the Delta Hospice Society for not wanting to euthanize patients.
This wave of anti-life politics has to end if we ever want to build a Culture of Life in B.C.
Will one byelection turn the tide?
No, but it’s a good start.
That’s why Harman needs your vote in the September 10th byelection in Surrey South.
Get-Out-The-Vote over the next 10 days!
Word-of-mouth is a powerful factor in election victories.
Please encourage all your friends, families, neighbours, co-workers and members of your church in the riding to vote for Harman Banghu. This is a crucial strategy
One final thing: I was wondering if you could do me a favour.
Harman says he’s been busy knocking on doors all across Surrey South, and we know from decades of experience that this is the one of the best ways to win elections …
But he needs help to reach as many potential voters as possible.
Victor, if you think you can volunteer, please reach out to the candidate by sending his team an email at [email protected].
If you do volunteer, please send us an email, too, and let us know by replying to this message.
By the way, advanced voting is already underway. For a complete list of where you can go, visit the Elections BC website.
Thank you kindly for your support and God bless.