CLC Blog

CLC Blog
Huge Success: National 'Pride' Flag Walk-Out Day
Huge Success: National 'Pride' Flag Walk-Out Day
Posted on: June 7, 2023 @ 11:14am By: Jack Fonseca
A full report on the story behind the first-ever National “Pride” Walk-Out Day and how parents stood firm against LGBT indoctrination in the classroom.
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1,500 Canadian babies were born alive after failed abortion. Police need to investigate how they died
1,500 Canadian babies were born alive after failed abortion. Police need to investigate how they died
Posted on: June 5, 2023 @ 6:00am By: Pete Baklinski
"Canadians deserve answers regarding what is happening to these babies born alive after a failed abortion."
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Faith-based students feel unsafe, bullied
Faith-based students feel unsafe, bullied
Posted on: May 31, 2023 @ 12:31pm By: Jeff Gunnarson
The controversial LGBT “Pride” flag is harmful to Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other traditionally-principled students. Here's why, and what you can do about it....
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URGENT: WCDSB must allow democracy
URGENT: WCDSB must allow democracy
Posted on: May 29, 2023 @ 11:19am By: Jeff Gunnarson
Tonight’s meeting is crucial. Parents, grandparents and concerned citizens must pack the gallery to send the message that they want WCDSB trustees to allow voters to choose a replacement for the disgraced Wendy Ashy who resigned after calling "white Christian males" the most "dangerous creature on the planet".
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National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day
National Pride Flag Walk-Out Day
Posted on: May 25, 2023 @ 6:31pm By: Jeff Gunnarson
Keep your kids home when the LGBT flag goes up!

Send your school the message: "Leave the kids alone".
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Mainstream reporter: We lied about numbers at Freedom Convoy, March for Life
Mainstream reporter: We lied about numbers at Freedom Convoy, March for Life
Posted on: May 23, 2023 @ 4:57pm By: Jack Fonseca
Canadians expect that the “facts” printed in newspapers are true facts. Not lies. Not spin, presented to distort the reality of a situation in order to bias readers towards a particular ideological viewpoint. The Canadian people do not want their newspapers to knowingly print lies. Yet, that’s exactly what the National Post did on May 11th.
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Lecce promised “back to basics” education with Bill 98. Here’s why you shouldn’t believe him.
Lecce promised “back to basics” education with Bill 98. Here’s why you shouldn’t believe him.
Posted on: May 16, 2023 @ 10:02am By: Jack Fonseca
Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce suggested that his newly introduced Bill 98 would refocus schools on reading, writing and math.
However, it appears that's just an empty slogan to lull voters into thinking this proposed legislation will actually help parents, and its real purpose is take even more control away from parents and concentrate it in the hands of woke government educrats.
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VICTORY! Wendy Ashby has resigned!
VICTORY! Wendy Ashby has resigned!
Posted on: May 15, 2023 @ 1:51pm By: Jeff Gunnarson
Defiant, anti-Catholic trustee finally steps down thanks to parental protests
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How ordinary parents are winning battle against woke school trustee
How ordinary parents are winning battle against woke school trustee
Posted on: May 1, 2023 @ 11:10am By: Jeff Gunnarson
There are new twists in the saga of a local school board trustee who infuriated parents with her anti-Christian, racist, and misandrist social media posts and local parents played a key role in bringing about these latest developments.
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Manitoba politician wants to abort US babies from states where abortion is illegal
Manitoba politician wants to abort US babies from states where abortion is illegal
Posted on: April 28, 2023 @ 12:47pm By: Pete Baklinski
"The bill allows Manitoba abortionists to target and destroy babies destined to become U.S. citizens and not face legal repercussions from those states for assassinating foreign persons."
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