MPP Samuel Oosterhoff
Progressive Conservative Party, Niagara West, ON

CLC rating: Pro-life, pro-family
First elected ( November 2016
Percentage in last election: 50.2% (2025) ; 44.9% (2022)50.2% (2025) ; 44.9% (2022)50.2% (2025) ; 44.9% (2022)50.2% (2025) ; 44.9
Victory margin last election: 25.2% (2025) ; 24.2% (2022)25.2% (2025) ; 24.2% (2022)25.2% (2025) ; 24.2% (2022)25.2% (2025) ; 24.2
Religion / Faith: Christian

Parliamentary Office
Ministry of Red Tape Reduction
7th Floor, 56 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2E7
Constituency Offices
Unit M1 - 4961 King Street East
Beamsville, Ontario
L0R 1B0
Tel: 905-563-1755
Fax: 905-563-1317

Here is Samuel Oosterhoff's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Explicit 2010/2015 sex education curriculum The Ontario Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne & Dalton McGuinty introduced a sex ed curriculum for the 2010 school year that would have forced public & Catholic elementary schools to encourage masturbation, celebrate homosexuality and gender identity confusion, and teach about anal and oral intercourse. The curriculum sought to give gay-positive teaching on homosexual relationships by Grade 3. In Grade 5 children would be taught that homosexuality is inborn and cannot be changed, a claim that has no scientific backing whatsoever. In Grade 6 it would give instructions on the pleasures of masturbation and discussed vaginal lubrication. In grade 7 children would be taught about "oral" and "anal sex". Thanks to public outcry from parents and religious leaders, this dangerous curriculum was "postponed" by the government. However, once Kathleen Wynne received a strong Liberal majority and the threat of an election was past, she announced that the controversial curriculum would be implemented in September 2015. Since the original preview of the curriculum in 2010, it has come to light that it was written under the direction of a man, Benjamin Levin, who has confessed to child pornography related charges. That makes sense given the explicit, age-inappropriate nature of the curriculum. It is feared by many parents and education observers that the curriculum may have been designed to 'groom' children so as to make them available for sex. Other parties with whom the Liberal government consulted to formulate this program included radical gay activists groups like Gay Ontario (now Queer Ontario) and Egale Canada. [Jan. 2010-present] |
Opposed (based on public statements) | ![]() |
Bill 28, 3rd reading, which banned the words mother and father from Ontario law and socially-engineered the family such that children can now have up to 4 legal parents, none of them blood-related Bill 28, third reading: Styled with the deceptive, slogan-like title All Families Are Equal Act, this Marxist-inspired bill radically redefines the societal understanding of what a family is. It undermines the parent-child relationship between natural parents and their biological offspring. The Liberal government bill erases the words mother and father from all provincial laws and government records, including birth certificates, which will have the harmful trickledown effect of purging the use of the words mother and father from our collective vocabulary throughout the rest of society, including but not limited to school curricula, charities, and employer speech codes. In a stunning piece of social engineering that will produce immense harm to children, the bill also creates situations in which a child can have 4 or more legal parents, thus obliterating the very concept of the natural family from the forming mind of the child. Another foreseeable, adverse effect of legalizing 4-parent situations for children is that it will help bring about the legalization of polygamy. [Passed 79-0 with 28 abstentions, Nov 29/16] |
Opposed (based on public statements) | ![]() |
Bill 84, 3rd reading, to legalize the form of homicide known as euthanasia, and to falsely redefine it as a form of medical treatment within the Ontario health care system Euphemistically named the Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017, Bill 84 codifies the abandonment, by the radical Ontario Liberal government, of medical professionals who are being coerced by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons (OCPS) into complicity with assisted suicide killings. The OCPS is forcing physicians who conscientiously object to this homicidal practice to make so-called effective referrals for assisted suicide, meaning that if a physician is unwilling to kill his patient, he must refer that patient to a physician who is willing to do the killing, while the Ontario Liberal government does nothing to protect the conscientious physician from such coercion. [Passed 61-26 with 20 abstained or absent, May 9/17] |
No | ![]() |
Bill 129, 2nd reading, to protect the conscience rights of health care workers from being compelled to participate in euthanasia and other practices they deem to be unethical The "Regulated Health Professions Amendment Act (Freedom of Conscience in Health Care), 2017" was introduced by PC MPP Jeff Yurek. This well-meaning bill aimed to strike a balance between the Wynne Liberals' Bill 84 (euphemistically named "Medical Assistance in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017") which regulates the practice of medical homicide in Ontario, on the one hand, and the conscience rights of healthcare professionals who refuse to put their patients to death, on the other. The defeat at 2nd reading of Bill 129 illustrates the Wynne Liberals' insideous determination to give free reign to the pro-assisted suicide Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, which is forcing Ontario physicians, regardless of their conscientious beliefs, to be complicit in the homicidal practice of Assisted Suicide through making "effective referrals". This means if a physician is unwilling to kill his patient, he must refer that patient to a physician who is willing to do the killing. [Defeated 23-39 with 44 abstained or absent, May 9/17] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill 150, to eliminate voter fraud in internal party elections, second reading This bill, officially called the ‘Ensuring Transparency and Integrity in Political Party Elections Act’, aimed to eliminate the voter fraud, ballot-box stuffing, falsified ballots and other rigging of votes that has been commonplace in the PC Party of Ontario with respect to candidate nomination elections, Party President and Executive Committee votes, wherein the party establishment cheats in order to rig the vote for its preferred candidate, or to block candidates they do not like. Those who oppose this bill can only object because they wish to continue conducting voter fraud. Passed 2nd reading Dec 12, 2019 by a vote 95-0. |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill 12, Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Education and Healthcare Sectors, second reading This bill was crafted to compel workers in the education and healthcare fields to submit to being injected with the abortion-tainted Covid-19 vaccines even against their will, or suffer discriminatory measures from their employers, which could have led to unemployment and poverty. This coercive bill to force people to choose between their conscience and their livelihood amounts to a legislative attack on democacy in Ontario. Defeated at 2nd reading on October 21, 2021 by a vote of 34-16. |
absent or abstained | -- |
Bill 89, to protect the right of all Ontarians to equal treatment without discrimination because of religious expression, second reading This common-sense bill, officially called the Protecting Ontario's Religious Diversity Act, 2022, was introduced by pro-life PC MPP Sam Oosterhoff, and seeks to amend the Human Rights Code to specify that every person has a right to equal treatment without discrimination because of religious expression with respect to services, accommodation, contracting, employment, union and professional association membership, etc. Passed 2nd reading on March 30, 2022 by a vote of 65-0. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill 89, 2nd reading, to give Childrens Aid agencies the power to ban Christian and other faith-based couples from adopting children, and the additional power to seize biological children from parents who disagree with LGBT and transgender ideologies. Bill 89, introduced by Liberal MPP Michael Coteau, Minister of Children and Youth Services, under the disarming title of Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017, actually gives the Ontario government and its child protection agencies, sweeping new powers to scrutinize and investigate families for having a Christian world view with regards to traditional marriage and human sexuality, and for not bowing down to the LGBT ideological agenda. Bill 89 empowers government agencies to seize children from their parents - using the pretense of serving the best interests, protection and well-being of children - if the parents refuse to affirm homosexual ideation in their child or the delusion that so-called gender can be the opposite of real, biological sex . This totalitarian bill also subjects potential adoptive or fostering parents to interrogations regarding their attitudes on LGBT ideology, as a litmus test for their suitability to become parents, leading to the disqualification of those who will not conform to the leftist world view of the government. [Passed 83-0 with 23 abstained or absent, March 9/17] |
absent or abstained | -- |
Bill 89, 3rd reading, to give Childrens Aid agencies the power to ban Christian and other faith-based couples from adopting children, and the additional power to seize biological children from parents who disagree with LGBT and transgender ideologies. Bill 89, introduced by Liberal MPP Michael Coteau, Minister of Children and Youth Services, under the disarming title of Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act, 2017, actually gives the Ontario government and its child protection agencies, sweeping new powers to scrutinize and investigate families for having a Christian world view with regards to traditional marriage and human sexuality, and for not bowing down to the LGBT ideological agenda. Bill 89 empowers government agencies to seize children from their parents - using the pretense of serving the best interests, protection and well-being of children - if the parents refuse to affirm homosexual ideation in their child or the delusion that so-called gender can be the opposite of real, biological sex . This totalitarian bill also subjects potential adoptive or fostering parents to interrogations regarding their attitudes on LGBT ideology, as a litmus test for their suitability to become parents, leading to the disqualification of those who will not conform to the leftist world view of the government. [Passed 83-0 with 23 abstained or absent, March 9/17] |
No | ![]() |
Bill 163, 2nd reading, to create unconstitutional, 'No Free Speech Zones' on public sidewalks near abortion facilities, and to criminalize life-saving, peaceful, pro-life witness This unconstitutional bill by the Kathleen Wynne Liberal government aims to violate our fundamental rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest. It creates "No Free Speech Bubble Zones" across Ontario, of between 50-150 metres outside every abortuary and hospital where children are killed in-utero. Pro-life Canadians who pray peacefully outside the killing centres, or who hold a sign - even silentely, or who offer pregnant women a pamphlet with scientific facts about prenatal development, will be considered serious criminals and face 6 months in prison plus up to a $5000 fine for the first offence, with a second offence escalating to 1 year in prison plus $10,000 fine that is clearly to intimidate Canadians with financial ruin. Sadly, second reading passed by a vote of 85 Ayes to 1 Nay, on October 17, 2017, with shameful support by the alleged "Opposition", the "pretend conservative" Patrick Brown PC's. |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill 163, 3rd reading, to create unconstitutional, 'No Free Speech Zones' on public sidewalks near abortion facilities, and to criminalize peaceful pro-life witness This unconstitutional bill by the Kathleen Wynne Liberal government aims to violate our fundamental rights to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the right to protest. It creates "No Free Speech Bubble Zones" across Ontario, of between 50-150 metres outside every abortuary and hospital where children are killed in-utero. Pro-life Canadians who pray peacefully outside the killing centres, or who hold a sign - even silentely, or who offer pregnant women a pamphlet with scientific facts about prenatal development, will be considered serious criminals and face 6 months in prison plus up to a $5000 fine for the first offence, with a second offence escalating to 1 year in prison plus $10,000 fine that is clearly to intimidate Canadians with financial ruin. Third reading passed by a vote of 86 Ayes to 1 Nay, on October 25, 2017, with shameful support by the alleged "Opposition", the "pretend conservative" Patrick Brown PC's. |
Absent | -- |
Motion 36 - To expand OHIP coverage to include universal access to all prescription contraception. This motion would have expanded the scope of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) to cover the cost of all prescription contraceptives, including oral hormone pills, copper IUDs, implants and the abortifacient drug called Plan B. This motion was defeated on Nov. 30, 2023, by a vote of 61-23. The voting broke down along party lines with the Ontario PCs opposing this free, taxpayer-funded contraception plan, while the support for the scheme came from NDP and Liberal MPPs. |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill 3, An Act to prohibit harassment based on enforcement or adoption of public health measures relating to COVID-19, second reading This tyrannical bill, introduced by Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath, aimed to muzzle and punish the free speech of Ontarians who refuse to kowtow to the increasingly harsh and unscientific Covid public health decrees. The bill would create as-yet undefined and arbitrarily-designated "safe zones" in which any suggestion of alternative views or evidence that contradicts the government-enforced Covid mandate narrative could result in crippling fines of up to $25,000. With this bill, the NDP, along with the sole Ontario Green Party MPP, has revealed its savage attack on free speech and dissenting views in the public square and is showing ever-clearer signs of its socialist ideological pedigree of top-down totalitarian government. This Orwellian bill was defeated at 2nd Reading on Nov. 4, 2021 by a vote 46 to 20. |
No | ![]() |
Bill 67, to impose marxist, Critical Race Theory on schools, 2nd reading This radical, socially-divisive bill seeks to impose on Ontario's schools what is known as 'Critical Race Theory', a modern-day version of the class warfare strategy developed by Carl Marx, the father of communism - an ideology responsible for the mass murder of up to 180 million people throughout history. In classic Marxism, socialists or communists seized control of society by exploiting existing tensions between rich & poor to divide and create conflict in society, painting one side as oppressed (poor) and the other as oppressor (rich), and then calling for violent revolution to overthrow the oppressor, with the Marxists supposedly bringing liberation, but ultimately becoming new dictators once in power. Likewise, in modern day 'Critical Race Theory', existing or even invented racial tensions are exploited to paint one race as oppressor (descendants of white Europeans) and others as oppressed (non-whites), and to call for various forms of discrimination, degradation and vilification against the oppressor class, in the name of 'social justice' or 'anti-racism', with the agitators of the conflict accumulating vast political power in the process. This dystopian bill passed 2nd reading by a vote of 72 yeas to 1 nay on March 3, 2022. |
Supported | ![]() |
![]() |
Life & family issues voting score: | 88% |

Here are quotes from Samuel Oosterhoff on various life and family issues:
Speaking out against Iceland's use of abortion to eliminate children with Downs Syndrome: [Hansard transcript, Oct 4, 2017.]
On the likelihood, under Bill 28, of children becoming the object of up to four "parents" battling it out for custody.
Describing Ontario Bill 28, which purged the terms "mother" and "father" from society's collective vocabulary and legislated that children can have 4 legal parents.

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Samuel Oosterhoff on 10-Sep-16.
Question | Response |
Do you acknowledge that human life begins at conception (fertilization)? | yes |
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? (note: a surgical or medical intervention, designed to prevent the death of the mother but but which results in the unintended and undesired death of the pre-born child, is not an abortion. e.g. in cases of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) | no |
Will you support measures to stop funding abortions with taxpayers' money in Ontario? | yes |
Do you agree women have the right to be thoroughly informed about the serious health consequences of abortion, the development of the child in the womb and the alternatives to abortion? | yes |
Will you support legislation to protect the right of health care workers who refuse to participate in procedures which are in violation of their religious or conscientious beliefs? | yes |
Will you protect the rights of parents to educate their children according to their faith in matters of moral principles and beliefs concerning abortion, contraception and homosexuality? | yes |
Will you oppose euthanasia and instead support measures to promote "palliative care", the purpose of which is to alleviate pain, and enhance the quality of life for terminally ill patients and those with disabilities? *Euthanasia is the direct and intentional killing of a person by action or omission, with or without that person's consent, for what people mistakenly believe are compassionate reasons. | yes |

There are no videos available for Samuel Oosterhoff.