Candidate, Raj Saini
Liberal Party, Kitchener Centre, ON

MP Saini also replied to a constituent explaining that the reason he opposed a Conservative MP's bill which sought protect pregnant women from violent assault resulting in death or injury to the baby, is because of the Liberal Party's support for abortion.
On March 11, 2021, this MP voted to dramatically expand the euthanasia killing regime in Canada under Bill C-7, even extending it to people suffering from mental illness alone.
In June 2021, the MP voted against pro-life Bill C-233, introduced by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, to outlaw the horrific practice of sex-selective abortion, in which unborn babies are killed for no other reason than their sex.
Later that month, this MP disgracefully revealed himself to be an enemy of parental rights, and science, by voting to pass Bill C-6, legislation that will jail parents for up to 5 years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused child in their biological sex.
Mr. Saini had to quit in the middle of the 2021 election amid multiple accusations of sexual harassment of female Liberal staffers.

Here is Raj Saini's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Bill C-233 - 2nd Reading, to criminalize sex-selective abortion. This principled bill, introduced by pro-life Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, sought to protect all babies in the womb from being killed by abortion specifically because of their sex. Sex-selective abortion is typically committed in cultures that favour male children over female, and is a form of femicide. Despite support from 68% of Conservative Party MPs for this modicum of protection for the unborn, Bill C-233 was defeated on June 2, 2021 at 2nd Reading by a vote of 248 to 82, with all attending members of the rabidly pro-abortion Liberal, NDP, Green, and Bloc Québécois parties voting unanimously against it. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Bill C-10 - 3rd Reading, to establish totalitarian Internet Censorship This legislation by the Justin Trudeau Liberals is reminiscent of the actions of past Communist and Nazi regimes to eradicate the free speech rights of the Party’s political or ideological opponents, and thus establish a total dictatorship. Bill C-10 would impose government censorship over the internet, allowing the Liberal government to censor any conservative or Christian speech with which Justin Trudeau disagrees. The Trudeau Liberals would achieve this by placing the entirety of the Canadian internet under the bureaucratic auspices of the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission). The CRTC will then regulate the internet’s content for diversity, prioritizing “Canadians from racialized communities and Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and ages.” This would apply both to websites and social media posts. With the eager complicity of the NDP, Bloc Québécois, and Green parties, Bill C-10 passed 3rd Reading by 196 Yea votes to 112 Nay votes on June 22, 2021. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-6 - 3rd Reading, to criminalize parents, psychotherapy & spiritual guidance for unwanted sexual feelings Vote on taking away the right of people who experience UNWANTED gender identity confusion or homosexual attraction to be able to obtain clinical therapy or pastoral counseling to help them live according to their faith or to overcome the unwanted sexual feelings. This unconstitutional bill also jails parents up to 5 years for providing body-affirming counselling to their sexually-confused children, or for discouraging a gay lifestyle in contradiction with the family’s religious faith. The totalitarian bill passed 3rd Reading by a vote of 263 to 63 on June 22, 2021. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-6 - 2nd Reading, to criminalize parents, psychotherapy & spiritual guidance for unwanted sexual feelings Vote on taking away the right of people who experience UNWANTED gender identity confusion or homosexual attraction to be able to obtain clinical therapy or pastoral counseling to help them live according to their faith or to overcome the unwanted sexual feelings. This unconstitutional bill also jails parents up to 5 years for providing body-affirming counselling to their sexually-confused children, or for discouraging a gay lifestyle in contradiction with the family’s religious faith. The totalitarian bill passed 2nd Reading by a vote of 305 to 7 on October 28, 2020. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-7 - 4th Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. After the House of Commons passed Bill C-7 at 3rd Reading in December 2020, the Senate reviewed the bill and, incredibly, made the bill even worse by amending it to permit the killing of non-communicative patients who had previously given advance directives concerning euthanasia (even years before), and to allow the assisted suicide of people experiencing mental illness ALONE, without any physical health problem or ailment whatsoever. Although the final passage of the Bill in the House of Commons at 4th Reading rejected the terrible "advance directive" amendment by the Senate, it did accept the evil principle of assisted suicide for the mentally ill who are not dying or even experiencing any physical suffering. Bill C-7 brings the Trudeau Liberals' euthanasia fetish one step closer to suicide-on-demand. This death-liberalization bill passed 4th Reading by a vote of 180 to 149 on March 11, 2021. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-7 - 3rd Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. This death-liberalization bill passed 3rd Reading by a vote of 213 to 106 on December 10, 2020. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C-7 - 2nd Reading, to expand euthanasia to target more vulnerable people Vote on making it easier for patients to be killed by their doctors by expanding the definition of those eligible to access medical murder. Bill C-7 would eliminate even the "safeguard" of a waiting period prior to a euthanasia killing being carried out, and would reduce the number of witnesses required to observe a third party signing a euthanasia request from two witnesses to only one. In addition, Bill C-7 would not require the immediate consent of persons presently incapable of communicating but who had been previously approved for euthanasia; and would also make those whose death is not even reasonably foreseeable eligible to be killed if they experience what they subjectively consider to be "intolerable" physical or even psychological suffering. This death-liberalization bill passed 2nd Reading by a vote of 246 to 78 on October 29, 2020. |
Supported | ![]() |
Bill C45 - 3rd reading of a bill to legalize the possession and recreational use of cannabis (commonly known as marijuana). Dubbed the Cannabis Act, this irresponsible bill was introduced on April 13, 2017 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould. Though purportedly introduced to help keep marijuana out of the hands of children, Bill C45 would actaully have the opposite effect. The bill would not only legalize the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis by individuals 18 years of age and over for purely recreational use, but it would also remove any criminal penalties for children aged 12 to 17 who possess up to five grams of marijuana, and would further allow people to freely grow marijuana in their own homes, even if children are present. This would make marijuana more accessible than ever before to children from the hands of possessing adults, and the dramatically increased access and societal acceptance of open marijuana use would excite the appeal and desirability of this dangerous, mind-impairing gateway drug among children and youth. [Vote Nov. 27, 2017 - passed 200 to 82] |
Absent or abstained | -- |
Bill C45 - 2nd reading of a bill to legalize the possession and recreational use of cannabis (commonly known as marijuana). Dubbed the Cannabis Act, this irresponsible bill was introduced on April 13, 2017 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould. Though purportedly introduced to help keep marijuana out of the hands of children, Bill C45 would actaully have the opposite effect. The bill would not only legalize the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis by individuals 18 years of age and over for purely recreational use, but it would also remove any criminal penalties for children aged 12 to 17 who possess up to five grams of marijuana, and would further allow people to freely grow marijuana in their own homes, even if children are present. This would make marijuana more accessible than ever before to children from the hands of possessing adults, and the dramatically increased access and societal acceptance of open marijuana use would excite the appeal and desirability of this dangerous, mind-impairing gateway drug among children and youth. [Vote June 8, 2017 - passed 200 to 76] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C14 - 4th reading of a bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide (after it was amended by the Senate) The passage of this monstrous Bill, introduced on April 14, 2016 by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, institutes a killing regime in Canada under which government-approved conditions have been established for putting citizens to death. The innocuous-sounding phrase "medical assistance in dying" has been employed to hide the reality of a remarkably broad state-sponsored killing apparatus that now allows most ordinary Canadians to participate in causing the death of some of C-14's victims. This carefully-constructed, euthemistic phrase "medical assistance in dying" indicates only that medication is to be involved in the actual killing; it does not indicate that a doctor or a nurse must be present to oversee that actual administration of the lethal medication in all cases. Once dispensed, deadly medication can be adminstered by "any person" of the age of majority. Thus, in some circumstances, Bill C-14 goes beyond what the now-obsolete phrase "doctor-assited suicide" envisaged; now, there is not even a requirement for a healthcare professional to witness every euthanasia killing that takes place. [Vote June 16, 2016 - passed 190 to 108] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C14 - 3rd reading of Liberal gvmt bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide This horrible Bill, introduced on April 14, 2016 by Justin Trudeau's Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, would institute a killing regime in Canada under which doctors, nurses and even average people assigned by a doctor, will be permitted to kill their patients. The bill uses an innocuous-sounding phrase - medical assistance in dying - to hide the ugly reality of a state-sponsored killing apparatus that would allow most ordinary Canadians to participate in causing the death of their fellow citizens. This reckless bill will lead to wide open euthanasia-on-demand, just as they have in the Netherlands and Belgium where child euthanasia and the killing of depressed persons is permitted. [Passed May 31, 2016 by a vote of 186 Ayes to 137 Nays] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill C225 - 2nd reading of 'Cassie & Molly's Law' bill, which would amend the Criminal Code to make it a separate offence to kill or injure a preborn child while committing violent crime against a woman while knowing she is pregnant. It would also add stiff minimum sentences if the unborn child is killed or injured. This excellent Bill, introduced on February 23, 2016 by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, and co-sponsored by Conservative MP Rachael Harder, would bridge a terrible gap in Canada’s criminal justice system by increasing respect for the dignity and intrinsic worth of preborn children. [Defeated October 19, 2016 by a vote of 76 Ayes to 209 Nays] |
No | ![]() |
Amendment to protect freedom of conscience for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and healthcare institutions to refuse to participate in euthanasia, either directly or indirectly Conservative MP Michael Cooper proposed this amendment to the Liberal government’s pro-euthanasia Bill C-14, so as to protect the freedoms of conscience and religion for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers and institutions to refuse to participate in euthanasia or assisted suicide, either directly by committing the murder, or indirectly by referring the patient to be killed by someone else. Tragically, the common sense amendment was defeated by a vote of 97 Yeas to 222 Nays. Basically, almost all Conservatives voted well, and virtually all Liberals, NDP and Bloc MPs voted to crush freedom of conscience. [May 30, 2016, Vote No. 72] |
No | ![]() |
Bill C16 - 2nd reading of a Bill to amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. This totalitarian Bill, introduced by Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould on May 17, 2016, would invent, in law, a new breed of human person out of those suffering from Gender Identity Disorder, and threatens to punish those who refuse to affirm transexualized alter-egos, using the state's dragnet of "hate propaganda". [Passed October 18, 2016 by a vote of 248 Ayes to 40 Nays] |
Yes | ![]() |
Conservative Motion (Vote #459) to exempt some (but not all) employers from having to sign an attestation in support of Justin Trudeau’s personal, Liberal social values, as a pre-condition to access federal funding to hire students via the Canada Summer Jobs Program. The motion sought to exempt organizations that engage in activities such as feeding the homeless and helping refugees from have to affirm their agreement with Justin Trudeau’s Liberal values. This was a clever trap to get Liberals on record voting to defund organizations that feed the hungry and serve refugees. As far as a political shaming exercise goes, it was effective, with all but one Liberal MP voting to not allow conscientious objection by employers (of a non-political non-activist nature) from having to pledge loyalty to abortion and transgender ideology, in exchange for federal funds. Liberal and NDP MPs voted almost unanimously against the motion, revealing just how radically devoted to in-utero child-killing they are. The shame heaped on those rabidly pro-abortion MPs is well-deserved, and so, Campaign Life Coalition has given them a negative score for this vote. All Conservative MPs who were present voted in favour of the motion. Nonetheless, CLC cannot count this a positive vote because the motion was half-hearted, cowardly, and represented a betrayal of the pro-life movement, surrendering pro-life organizations to continued Liberal tyranny. The motion does not seek to protect ALL Canadian employers from being coerced to pledge fealty to abortion and transgender ideology in exchange for government funding. Another major problem was that implicit in the motion, the Scheer Conservatives gave tacit approval for Justin Trudeau to continue his ideological discrimination against some employers. Namely, those employers who engage in pro-life “political activist work”. Why should Conservatives betray front line workers in the pro-life movement to this Liberal tyranny? Why is it acceptable to violate our constitutional rights to freedom of religion and conscience? Are our rights any less important than those of other employers? It is our tax money that is being distributed too. Our conscience rights are to be respected, as are those of every other Canadian citizen. The Scheer Conservatives threw under the bus, the many front-line pro-life workers in organizations like Campaign Life Coalition, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and Toronto Right To Life, who sacrifice so much to save preborn human lives. This motion could have protected all Canadians, but the Conservatives chose not to protect us all from Justin Trudeau’s ideological coercion. As a pro-life party Leader, Andrew Scheer could also have chosen to use this motion to advance debate on abortion and the right to life. Instead, he passed up that opportunity by carefully avoiding any mention of the word “abortion” in the motion itself, as well as in any comments made by himself or other MPs. It seems reasonable to conclude that orders were given by Scheer’s office that Conservative MPs must not mention the A-word. This represents a second betrayal. For this reason, Yes votes by Conservative MPs have been scored as neutral. [Vote March 19, 2018 - defeated 207 to 93] |
No | ![]() |
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Life & family issues voting score: | 0% |

Here are quotes from Raj Saini on various life and family issues:
Saini explained why his support for the killing of children in-utero (via abortion), prevented him from voting in favour of legislation to protect pregnant women from violent assault: "Bill C-225, while seeking to compliment these laws, was instead written [in] such a matter that it would likely have been challenged under the Charter, while unintentionally placing a woman's right to choose in question. Bill C-225 is not intended to be an abortion bill, however, in practice, our laws and our Criminal Code do not come with annotations, and that the intention of a legislator must be sufficiently clear in the wording of a law so as to survive both time and removal from the context in which it was written or further commentary from its author. It is this test that Bill C-225 fails, and in this respect it would have been contradictory to have supported legislation which sought to protect vulnerable women, but which in practice placed the rights of women into question."
[Email reply to constituent, December 16, 2016]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Raj Saini on 2021.
Question | Response |
Do you believe that life begins at conception (fertilization)? | -- |
Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? | -- |
If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? | No (based on Trudeau edict) |
If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? | -- |
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? (note: Medical treatments to save the life of a mother and which result in the UNINTENDED death of her unborn child, are NOT abortions. Eg. in case of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) | All circumstances (based on Trudeau edict) |

There are no videos available for Raj Saini.