Voting Records

Candidate, Brittany Jakubiec

Public Schools Branch, PE
Electoral District: Zone 7


Brittany Jakubiec
Not Supportable
Not Supportable
CLC rating: Pro-LGBT ideology; Anti-parental rights
Rating Comments: Ms. Jakubiec is an LGBTTIQ2S+ activist who actually works full-time for one of Canada's largest homosexual & transgender political advocacy groups, Egale Canada, where she works as a research. Egale Canada is the same organization which successsfully sued to abolish the true definition of marriage, and then went on to use the redefinition of marriage and family as leverage to "queer" school curriculum in every province throughout Canada, under the guise of "Safe Schools" and "anti-homophobia". Egale Canada is a huge backer of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones for sexually-confused children, and for immediately affirming them as "transgender". On Twitter, Ms. Jakubiac uses the transgender pronouns (she/her) after her name, in homage to the new religion of gender ideology. Her Twitter account is filled with propaganda promoting transsgender, Two spirit and non-binary ideology.
Religion / Faith: unknown


Brittany Jakubiec
Parliamentary Office
Prince Edward Island
Constituency Offices , Prince Edward Island
Brittany Jakubiec

Here is Brittany Jakubiec's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
There are no votes, surveys or policy decisions to display for Brittany Jakubiec.
Brittany Jakubiec

There are no quotes for Brittany Jakubiec at this time.

Brittany Jakubiec

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Brittany Jakubiec on 2022.

Question Response
Do you agree that parents, not the state, have the inherent right of primacy in education of children? No (based on public tweets & retweets)
Will you defend the inherent right of parents to be notified in advance regarding any lesson, speaker or presentation involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? No (based on public tweets & retweets)
Do you agree that parents should have the right to withdraw their children from classroom lessons or presentations involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? No (based on public tweets & retweets)
Brittany Jakubiec

There are no videos available for Brittany Jakubiec.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.