MNA Bernard Drainville
Coalition Avenir QuébecLévis, QC

CLC rating: Pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia
Rating Comments: Prior to re-entering Quebec politics to run as a Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) candidate in the 2022 provincial election, Bernard Drainville was an MNA for the Parti québécois (PQ), during which time he was the chief government propagandist for the anti-religious Charter of Secular Values which sought to supress public expression of religious faith in Quebec by banning people from wearing crucifixes and other religious symbols at any public institution. Rating based on previous PQ affiliation.
Position: Minister of Education (43rd Legislature)
First elected ( 2007.03.26
Previous Occupation: journalist, bureau chief and parliamentary correspondent
Birthdate ( 6-Jun-63
Religion / Faith: unknown

Parliamentary Office
Ministère de l'Éducation
Édifice Marie-Guyart, 1035, rue De La Chevrotière, 16e étage
Québec, Quebec
G1R 5A5
Tel: 418-644-0664
Fax: 418-643-2640
Constituency Offices
5955, rue Saint-Laurent, Bureau 210
Lévis, Quebec
G6V 3P5
Tel: 418-833-5550

Here is Bernard Drainville's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Motion urging the federal government to finance & export abortion Quebec MNAs unanimously condemned a moderately pro-life policy decision made by the Harper government to refuse financing abortion in third world countries. The National Assembly motion, passed 109-0 and read: “That [Quebec’s] National Assembly reaffirms the right of women to free choice and to free and accessible abortion services, and asks the federal government and the Prime Minister of Canada to put an end to the current ambiguity on this issue, and that the National Assembly reaffirms that the fact of supporting women’s right to an abortion should not in any case be used by the federal government to cut funding to a women’s group.” [May 19, 2010] |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill 52, second reading, To legalize euthanasia and give doctors the power to kill their patients This dangerous bill violates the Criminal Code of Canada by attempting to legalize the form of homicide known as euthanasia. The Parti Quebecois used verbal gymnastics and euphemism to describe as "health care" an action by a doctor to end the life of his patient. This dangerous, unlawful bill targets the elderly and disabled persons who will face internal and external pressure to consider euthanasia. In essence it will create a 'duty to die' in the minds of many Quebecers. The bill passed 2nd reading vote 84 to 26. |
Yes | ![]() |
Bill 52, final reading, To legalize euthanasia giving doctors the power to kill their patients This dangerous bill violates the Criminal Code of Canada by attempting to legalize the form of homicide known as euthanasia. The Parti Quebecois used verbal gymnastics and euphemism to describe as "health care" an action by a doctor to end the life of his patient. This dangerous, unlawful bill targets the elderly and disabled persons who will face internal and external pressure to consider euthanasia. In essence it will create a 'duty to die' in the minds of many Quebecers. On June 5, 2014, the bill passed 3rd reading by a vote of 94 to 22 with no abstentions. Now it falls on the federal government to block Quebec's unlawful action. |
Yes | ![]() |
Motion to enable so-called drag queen (LGBT) story-hour sessions, and shield transvestite child-groomers, from protests by parents and other concerned citizens This Motion, made in the Quebec National Assembly, deliberately casts aspersions on Canadians for simply exercising their Charter rights to peaceful protest and free speech in an effort to protect children from transvestite LGBT groomers commonly called drag queens. The Motion fawningly portrays these child groomers as victims of violent insults, intolerance and hatred when protested against by concerned parents and other responsible citizens who deplore the inculcation of LGBT fetishes and fantasies into the vulnerable imaginations of young children. Under the pretext of "exposing children to difference" in order to make Quebec "an example of equality and fairness for gender diverse communities around the world", the Quebec National Assembly has declared open season on the minds and souls of children at the hands of LGBT activists, and against loving and concerned parents who wish to guard their children from an increasingly predatory LGBT militancy. This obscene Motion passed by a vote of 109 - 0 on April 4, 2023. |
Supported | ![]() |
![]() |
Life & family issues voting score: | 0% |

There are no quotes for Bernard Drainville at this time.

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Bernard Drainville on 2022.
Question | Response |
Do you acknowledge that human life begins at conception (fertilization)? | survey not yet sent |
Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? (note: Medical treatments to save the life of a mother and which result in the UNINTENDED death of her unborn child, are NOT abortions. Eg. in case of tubal pregnancy or cervical cancer) | survey not yet sent |
Will you support measures to stop funding abortions with taxpayers’ money in Quebec? | survey not yet sent |
Do you agree women have the right to be thoroughly informed about the serious health consequences of abortion, the development of their child in the womb and the alternatives to abortion? | survey not yet sent |
Will you protect the rights of parents to educate their children according to their faith in matters of moral principles and beliefs concerning abortion, contraception and homosexuality? | survey not yet sent |
Will you oppose euthanasia and instead support measures to promote “palliative care”, the purpose of which is to alleviate pain, and enhance the quality of life for terminally ill patients and those with disabilities? *Euthanasia is the direct and intentional killing of a person by action or omission, with or without that person’s consent, for what people mistakenly believe are compassionate reasons. | survey not yet sent |
Will you support legislation to protect the right of health care workers who refuse to participate in procedures which are in violation of their religious or conscientious beliefs? | survey not yet sent |

There are no videos available for Bernard Drainville.