Voting Records

Candidate, Nicholas Insley

Conservative Party, Coquitlam - Port Coquitlam, BC


Nicholas Insley
CLC rating: Educable
Rating Comments: During a phone interview with CLC, Insley shared that he "possibly" holds rape & incest exceptions where he feels it may be permissible to kill children in-utero.

Although he's generally opposed to abortion, these "exceptions" prevent CLC from being able to endorse him as fully pro-life. In addition, he said he would never introduce pro-life private members bills or motions owing to the fact that he apparently signed a contract of some sort promising the Conservative Party that he would never "reopen the abortion debate". Neither would Insley commit to voting in favour of someone else's pro-life bills or motions, insisting he would have to study it first to determine whether he could support it.

Hopefully, with education and influence from pro-life people in his riding, Insley willl one day be brought around to a fully pro-life position.

Percentage in last election: 34.01% (2019)
Victory margin last election: -0.68% (2019)
Religion / Faith: Christian
  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.