Trustee Mario Pascucci
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, ON
Electoral District: Mississauga Ward 01 & 03

CLC rating: Pro-LGBT ideology, Anti-Parental Rights
Rating Comments: On September 27, 2023 this trustee voted in a disgraceful manner, to change the DPCDSB by-law governing Delegations & Submission made by parents at school board meetings, to include new censorship provisions designed to block parents from being able to criticize Gender Identity Theory and LGBT Ideology. This trustee must be removed from office asap.
Previously, Mario Pascucci was deemed to be supportable and was rated as a green-light candidate by CLC.
Previously, Mario Pascucci was deemed to be supportable and was rated as a green-light candidate by CLC.
First elected ( 1987
Previous Occupation: Entrepreneur
Percentage in last election: 92.07% ; 59.4% (2022)
Victory margin last election: 84.14% ; 27.7% (2022)
Religion / Faith: Catholic

Parliamentary Office
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Boulevard West
Mississauga, Ontario
L5R 1C5
Tel: 905-302-3096
Constituency Offices
4246 Golden Orchard Dr.
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 3G3
Tel: 905-238-9009

Here is Mario Pascucci's voting record relating to life and family issues:
Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision | Vote | Score |
Motion (in Committee) to re-introduce the flying of special-interest-group flags at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) This sneaky motion, proposed in early June 2024 by aggressively pro-LGBT Trustee Brea Corbet, would re-introduce the flying of special-interest flags at the DPCDSB. Only shortly before, in April 2024, the DPCDSB had sensibly amended its flag policy to specify that only the national, provincial, and municipal flags may be flown outside of DPCDSB facilities. Trustee Corbet's motion would effectively undermine the principled policy amendment of April, and re-introduce the ability of special-interests pressure-groups, like the notorious LGBT lobby, to symbolically stake their claim on the DPCDSB by raising the Pride flag. The timing of Trustee Corbet's motion, at the beginning of so-called Pride Month (which is actually the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) is surely no coincidence. Her motion passed at the Policy Review Committee meeting by a vote of 9 to 2 on June 4, 2024, and now will be voted on at the full Board meeting on June 11, 2024. |
Supported | ![]() |
Motion (in Committee) to specifically exclude the homosexualist Pride flag from being flown at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) This faithfully Catholic motion, introduced in early June 2024 by Trustee Herman Viloria, sought to prevent that scandalous Pride flag from being flown outside on the property of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. Sadly, his motion was defeated at the Policy Review Committee meeting by a vote of 9 to 2 on June 4, 2024, due to the anti-Catholic moral indifference of the majority of trustees to the promotion of grave sexual depravity inherent in the Pride flag. |
Opposed | ![]() |
Motion (at Board Meeting) to re-introduce the flying of special-interest-group flags at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) This sneaky motion, proposed in early June 2024 by aggressively pro-LGBT Trustee Brea Corbet, would re-introduce the flying of special-interest flags at the DPCDSB. Only shortly before, in April 2024, the DPCDSB had sensibly amended its flag policy to specify that only the national, provincial, and municipal flags may be flown outside of DPCDSB facilities. Trustee Corbet's motion would effectively undermine the principled policy amendment of April, and re-introduce the ability of special-interests pressure-groups, like the notorious LGBT lobby, to symbolically stake their claim on the DPCDSB by raising the Pride flag. The timing of Trustee Corbet's motion, at the beginning of so-called Pride Month (which is actually the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) is surely no coincidence. Despite initial support at the committee level for Trustee Corbet's calculated motion, God's will prevailed and the motion was defeated at the Board Meeting on June 11, 2024 by a vote of 6 to 3, with 2 trustees absent. |
Supported | ![]() |
Motion to condemn and/or retract OECTA's decision to participate in the 2014, World Gay Pride Parade [2014] The homosexual pride parade totally contradicts the beliefs of the Catholic Church about marriage & human sexualty. It celebrates gay sex and promotes the homosexual lifestyle as normal, natural, healthy and perfectly moral. The parade includes mock sex acts, sexual bondage and sadomasochism. It is a scandal for any Catholic to be seen supporting it, much less Catholic teachers who work as agents of the Church. |
Unknown - vote not recorded | -- |
![]() |
Life & family issues voting score: | 0% |

Here are quotes from Mario Pascucci on various life and family issues:
Regarding actively promoting Catholic social teachings: "If we give up a little, we lose a lot." [Reponse to CLC Questionnaire, October 12, 2010]
Regarding total fidelity to the official moral, social and dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church: "I strongly uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church." [Response to CLC Questionnaire, October 12, 2010]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Mario Pascucci on 2010.
Question | Response |
Will you personally uphold and work toward the public promotion of total fidelity to the faith and moral teachings of the Catholic Church? (Current examples include the illicitness of abortion, contraception and homosexual practice) | Yes (based on 2010 survey) |
Will you oppose teachings and attitudes in the school setting that undermine respect for and the dignity of human life from conception to natural death? | Yes |
Will you actively promote and defend the teaching of Catholic doctrine, the importance of prayer and a regular sacramental life? | Yes (based on 2010 survey) |
Will you work against any attempt to expand the sex-ed program in the Catholic Schools which is contrary to Church teaching, such as the one which included oral sex, masturbation and homosexuality, recently offered by the Ministry? | Yes |
Will you work to ensure that guest speakers, educational materials that enter the premises of Catholic schools (e.g., library resources, curriculum texts) and all approved school activities are consistent with and do not undermine the morality and teachings of the Church? | Yes |
Will you uphold, actively promote and defend the boards right to invite into its schools only those health personnel (e.g. nurses, counselors and other health professionals) who will respect Catholic Church teaching? | Yes |
Will you work to ensure that your Catholic school board enacts a policy requiring all agents and employees of the board to uphold the rights of custodial parents to direct and control the education of, and any medical treatment provided to, their dependent children attending its schools? | Yes |

There are no videos available for Mario Pascucci.