Voting Records

Candidate, Jean Cloutier

Ottawa, ON
Electoral District: Ward 18 - Alta Vista


Jean Cloutier
CLC rating: Caution
Rating Comments: On September 9, 2020, Ottawa City Council passed a biased and unjust Motion, co-sponsored by pro-LGBT members Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor Catherine McKenney, to "formally denounce" the practice of Conversion Therapy and to urge higher levels of government to ban this helpful therapeutic practice. Conversion Therapy -- better described as Reparative Therapy -- is a form of traditional talk therapy designed to help individuals who request assistance to overcome unwanted gender identity confusion and same-sex attraction. Ottawa City Council's condemnation of such beneficial therapy demonstrates a totalitarian attitude that seeks to impose the LGBT agenda on everyone, and especially on children who are vulnerable to indoctrination through LGBT-pushing sex education in schools. The condemnation also presents an implicit and ominous threat to those who defend and teach key Christian principles on human sexuality, including public prayer and evangelization to call LGBT practitioners out of a sinful lifestyle. Although the reckless Motion passed unanimously, and all members of Council were in attendance at the meeting, it is unknown if Councillor Cloutier was actually in the chamber for the specific vote on the Motion itself, though that is extremely likely.

Percentage in last election: 32.81% (2018) ; 47.4%
Victory margin last election: 1.71% (2018) ; 18.0%
Religion / Faith: unknown


Jean Cloutier
Parliamentary Office
Constituency Offices , Ontario
Jean Cloutier

Here is Jean Cloutier's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Conversion Therapy - Motion to denounce the practice and to urge higher levels of government to ban it outright.
Council vote to denounce, in principle, the beneficial practice of “conversion therapy” - better described as Reparative Therapy - which is designed to help people experiencing UNWANTED gender identity confusion or homosexual attraction and who seek either clinical therapy or spiritual counselling to overcome their unwanted condition, or to live a chaste life that is more in harmony with their faith. The motion also calls upon higher levels of government to ban this helpful therapy altogether.
Unknown, but likely supports --
Jean Cloutier

There are no quotes for Jean Cloutier at this time.

Jean Cloutier

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Jean Cloutier on 2022.

Question Response
Organizations like Planned Parenthood (PP) routinely counsel women to have abortions, and increasingly, are involved in dispensing the chemical abortion pill. Given that abortion is a controversial practice that many taxpayers in your municipality find abhorrent, do you agree that PP and similar “sexual health agencies" should not receive taxpayer funds through the municipality? no response
Do you acknowledge that human life begins at conception (fertilization)? no response
Do you consider yourself pro-life or pro-choice? no response
Jean Cloutier

There are no videos available for Jean Cloutier.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.