Public Trustee Voting Records

Cindy Watson

Waterloo Region District School Board - ON
Electoral District: Cambridge/North Dumfries


Cindy Watson
CLC rating: Pro-parental rights
Rating Comments: Cindy has solidly defended parental rights in education, and done her best to protect childen from premature sexualization. On June 15, 2015, Cindy Watson made a Motion requesting more thorough parental review and information regarding the Ontario Liberal government's radical sex-ed program aimed at young children, but the Motion was defeated. The primary reason given for the Motions defeat was that trustees felt they had no choice but to implement the Ministry of Education's mandated curriculum. Watson has taken action to protect the right of parents to withdraw kids from classroom lessons that parents view as not in line with their religious or moral beliefs. After other trustees tried banning students from receiving Gideon Bibles as a resource if they wanted one, Watson spoke out to defend the students' rights.

At a WRDSB Trustee Board Meeting on January 17, 2022, Trustee Watson rightly voted to hear a delegation presentation by a courageous teacher who was drawing attention to inappropriate children's books in the school library which presented very real potential harms to young children. The presentation had been interrupted by the pro-LGBT Board Chairman because it dared to question the age-appropriateness of these books that were promoting transgender and LGBT ideology, including sex change surgery, to impressionable children as young as 8 years of age.

Percentage in last election: 20.7% (2022)
Victory margin last election: 6.0% (2022)
Religion / Faith: unknown


Cindy Watson
Parliamentary Office
Waterloo Region District School Board
51 Ardelt Avenue
Kitchener, Ontario
N2C 2R5
Tel: 519-503-0927
Fax: 519-742-1364
Constituency Offices
8 Arthur White Ave
Cambridge, Ontario
N1R 4N3
Tel: (h)519-622-6178 © 519-503-0927
Fax: @cindywtrustee

Here is Cindy Watson's voting record relating to life and family issues:

Votes, Surveys and Policy Decision Vote Score
Position on the right of parents to withdraw kids from classroom lessons that parents view as morally inappropriate or controversial.
Supports ok
Sex-Ed curriculum: Motions to protect parental rights in education against the Wynne government's sex-ed over-reach.
Trustees from various school boards made motions to curtail the Wynne government's imposition of its graphic sex-ed curriculum. The curriculum infringes on parental rights in education by forcing children at very young ages to be exposed to LGBTQ ideology, unhealthy sexual practices, and disordered gender concepts. Motions include those to delay implementation of the sex-ed curriculum to allow time for meaningful parental consultation, as well as a more detailed evaluation of the inadequate and evasive government-run consultation process.
Supported ok
Support for in-school child-sexualization tactics that use perverse books / materials aimed at young children
Vote or statement in support of school-based child-sexualization via the use of perverse books and other "educational" materials aimed at polluting the imaginations of young, impressionable children. Such materials typically promote premature sexual fascination, experimentation, homoerotic fixations, and transgender ideology, including chemical or surgical mutilation of healthy body parts.
No ok
Motion to fill trustee vacancies by an appointment process, rather than through by-elections or offering vacant positions to election runners-up.
Anti-democratic Motion giving power to sitting trustees to arbitrarily appoint, based on some internal criteria, replacement trustees to fill vacancies. Under this Motion, voters would be totally ignored: no by-election would be called to allow voters a say in who fills a trustee vacancy; further, even trustee candidates who were runners-up in the previous municipal election, and therefore would have at least some statistical level of voters' support, would not be automaticallly approached to fill the vacancy.
Opposed ok

Here are quotes from Cindy Watson on various life and family issues:

Supporting the family values of concerned parents who objected to a condom contest demonstration that occurred in class without parental permission:  "They (students) might feel, 'I don't need a condom; I'm not planning on having sex until I get married.' " [Waterloo Region Record, Mar. 20, 2009]

After a mom discovered her son's homework was to buy condoms for a wooden penis application competition, Watson put forth a Motion that would make it mandatory for parents to be informed in advance about the human sexuality unit for Gr. 9 & 10, to receive a rough outline of what will be taught, and to be given the chance to withdraw their kids from that class:  "It's important for our board that parents not see themselves as uninvolved bystanders" [Waterloo Region Record, Mar. 24, 2009]

Here are the answers for the questionnaire as provided by Cindy Watson on 2022.

Question Response
Do you agree that parents, not the state, have the inherent right of primacy in education of children? no response
Will you defend the inherent right of parents to be notified in advance regarding any lesson, speaker or presentation involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? Yes (based on voting record)
Do you agree that parents should have the right to withdraw their children from classroom lessons or presentations involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? No response

There are no videos available for Cindy Watson. If you have relevant video from all-candidate meetings or other functions that is not copyrighted by a third party, please send it to us.

  • Legend for Light Rating System
  • Green Light
    GREEN light means the person supports CLC principles and is rated as SUPPORTABLE
  • Red Light
    RED light means the person is NOT SUPPORTABLE
  • Amber Light
    AMBER light means voters should be cautious about the candidate. CLC is still evaluating this individual, does not have enough data, or their record is mixed. View their quotes & voting history to help you decide.