Nechako Lakes - School District 91 - BC
Electoral District: Area 3 – Burns Lake And Rural Area
Number to elect: 1
(change province | change school board)
Rick Pooley (Position is unknown)
incumbent | |
Name | Rick Pooley |
Rating by CLC: | Position is unknown |
Questionnaire & Candidate Responses (from Election Year 2022) |
Do you agree that parents, not the state, have the inherent right of primacy in education of children? | survey not yet sent |
Will you defend the inherent right of parents to be notified in advance regarding any lesson, speaker or presentation involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? | survey not yet sent |
Do you agree that parents should have the right to withdraw their children from classroom lessons or presentations involving controversial issues such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and gender ideology? | survey not yet sent |
Profile, Voting Record & Candidate Statements: | View |