Press Room

Ontario taxpayers to sweep MPP offices province-wide with Defund Abortion rallies on October 13


Toronto, Oct. 10, 2012 - On Saturday October 13, from 11am – 12noon, Ontario taxpayers will rally simultaneously at the constituency offices of MPPs across the province demanding that abortion be defunded from Ontario’s Health Insurance plan. This grassroots initiative is unprecedented and thus far, rallies are planned in 40+ ridings. Astute political observers realize that federal MP Stephen Woodworth’s human life motion, although defeated in a vote, was successful in stimulating a discussion about the definition of human life. Now, that national debate will be carried into Ontario’s provincial politics with the kick-off of province-wide rallies at the offices of local MPP offices.

“On October 13, Taxpayers will send a message to their elected representative that they do not want to be forced to pay for someone else’s elective abortion,” said Alissa Golob, Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition and organizer of the defund abortion campaign. “Abortions are not medically necessary and our tax dollars should not subsidize life-style choices while genuine areas of health care such as doctor and nurse shortages, elder care, and treatment for autistic children, is neglected.”

Official figures on number of abortions in Ontario are no longer disclosed, but it’s estimated at 30,000 to 50,000 annually, at a total cost of approximately 30 to $50 million dollars per year. In addition, the total cost of abortion is much higher when the indirect costs of abortion are included. Abortion complications such as perforations, uterine hemorrhage, pelvic inflammatory disease, sepsis, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide, infertility and breast cancer are indirect costs which, when included, could escalate the annual cost of abortion to hundreds of millions of dollars on our health care system.

“The Canada Health Act only requires provinces to insure procedures that are medically necessary and abortion is not one of them since pregnancy is not a disease, sickness or illness,” said Matthew Wojciechowski, Campaign Life Coalition Youth. “MPPs have the power to delist abortion from services covered by OHIP.  Premier McGuinty proved this is possible when in 2004, he delisted chiropractic services after more than 30 years of public funding. Optometry examinations got axed at the same time.”

The list of the October 13th Defund Abortion rally locations can be found at  CLCY has planned a follow-up event on Tuesday October 30 at Queen’s Park, where it expects thousands from across Ontario to attend.

About Campaign Life Coalition Youth:
CLCY is a division of Campaign Life Coalition that is tasked with engaging Canadian youth, and harnessing their dynamism, in the civil rights issue of our age – legal protection for children in the womb. CLCY believes that Ontarians who object to the killing of children should not be forced to co-finance abortion.

Media Contacts:
Alissa Golob, Campaign Life Coalition Youth, Tel: 416-204-9749 ext. 238
Matthew Wojciechowski, Campaign Life Coalition Youth, Tel:  416-204-9749 ext. 239
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Coalition,  Tel: 416-204-9781
