Press Room

Resistance urged after Ontario legislature attacks religious freedom & parental rights with Bill 13 passage

For Immediate Release

Toronto, ON,  June 5, 2012  -  Ontario’s lawmakers ignored the concerns of average moms and dads, as well as faith leaders, by passing the controversial Bill 13 today. This legislation now puts a radical homosexual agenda in every publicly-funded, Catholic and Public school across Ontario, under the guise of “bullying prevention”.

A Liberal-NDP coalition easily passed Bill 13 with a vote of 65 to 36.  This legislation directly attacks the constitutional rights of Separate schools in Ontario, as well as the Catholic Church, by mandating that schools permit gay-activist clubs known as GSAs.  Cardinal Collins of Toronto has described Bill 13 as relegating freedom of religion to “a second class right”.  Section 2 of Bill 13 also strips away parental rights to direct the moral education of their own kids, by imposing a gay-focused “Equity” doctrine onto the school curriculum from K- Gr. 12. This will also usher in a new era of discrimination against traditionally-principled teachers who disagree with the curriculum.

“Dalton McGuinty and those MPPs who voted in favour of this legislation have declared war against faith communities and made all Canadians vulnerable,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, National organizer of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) and a former school trustee. “They’ve now set a precedent which all Canadians should find alarming. The state interference in catholic and public schools takes away fundamental rights and puts all Canadians at risk,” she continued.

“This cannot be accepted,” said Jim Hughes, CLC National President. “We are grateful for Cardinal Collins’ strong stand to preserve Catholic doctrine in separate schools.  Now that the bill has passed, we encourage Cardinal Collins and the Catholic School Boards to invoke Section 93 of the Constitution Act which permits them to reject any legislation which impacts adversely upon the content of faith and morals. That constitutional right is unshakeable. Thousands of people of all faiths will rally in their support.”

CLC is calling upon all ratepayers to encourage their school boards to invoke Section 93.

About Campaign Life Coalition:
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life and the family. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit

Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, Campaign Life Coalition National Organizer, 416-204-9740 ex.262
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Catholics, 416-204-9781
