Press Room

The Cardinal and Catholic Trustees Association reject a move by the Ontario government to impose Gay-Straight clubs on their schools

Toronto, ON,  May 29, 2012  -  Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto made it very clear on May 28th that Catholic Schools will not accept gay-straight alliance clubs as part of the Catholic school system. He said that the Catholic Church has the expertise to tackle bullying in their schools.

To justify the imposition of the clubs, Education Minister Laurel Broten quoted a survey from EGALE, the country’s leading homosexual activist group, identifying homosexuality as the main cause of bullying in the schools. However the Toronto District School Board found in their 2006 study that body image, grades or language are the leading causes.

“It appears that the Minister of Education is an apologist for the homosexual activists and their drive to insert their agenda into all schools,” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “Under the guise of preventing bullying based on orientation they propose to open the doors to an agenda opposed to Catholic teaching. We remind the Government that schools and hospitals in Ontario were primarily established by the Catholic Church at the time of the BNA Act, which guarantees their denominational rights,” he continued.

“We stand behind the Catholic Bishops and Cardinal Collins in the principled stand which he has taken to protect Catholic doctrine and Catholic Schools,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer and a former separate school trustee. “Catholics and people of all faiths must stand up now and oppose the heavy-handed machinations of this dictatorial government.”

Campaign Life Coalition has called upon every parent to lobby, write, visit their MPP and refuse to allow
Bill 13 to pass.

About Campaign Life Coalition
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life and the family. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit

Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, Campaign Life Coalition National Organizer, 416-204-9740 ex.262
Matt Wojciechowski, Campaign Life Coalition National Office, 416-204- 9749 ex.239
