Press Room

Media Advisory - Press Conference - Thousands expected on Parliament Hill for the National March for Life

Ottawa, May, 8, 2012 – Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and best-selling author of A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy, joins Alissa Golob, Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition, to kick off the 15th National March for Life in Ottawa; the largest annual pro-life gathering in Canada.

In light of extensive media coverage on Chen Guangcheng, a political prisoner and a human rights activist against China’s one child policy, and recent studies exposing the practice of sex-selective abortions in Canada, Steven Mosher, an expert on gendercide in China and population control programs, has been invited to speak at the Rose Dinner on May 10 and the Youth conference on May 11, 2012.

Media Availability:

Who: Steven Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute and best-selling author
          Alissa Golob, Spokesperson and Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition
When: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 11:00 a.m.
Where: Charles Lynch Press Conference Room (130-S)
What: Press Conference to kick off the 15th National March for Life, which marks the infamous passing of Trudeau's Omnibus Bill (1969)

Media Contacts:
Wanda Hartlin, Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa office, 613-299-2515
Mary Ellen Douglas, Campaign Life Coalition National Organizer, 613-329-1488
Matt Wojciechowski, Campaign Life Coalition National office, 647-896-4906
