Press Room

Ontario taxpayers demand that abortion be defunded

TORONTO, Oct. 19, 2011 – On Saturday, October 22, 2011, Ontario taxpayers will gather at Queen’s Park in Toronto to demand that the Ontario Legislature delist elective abortion as a service covered by taxpayer dollars. A recent poll shows that over 60 per cent of Ontarians oppose the status quo of paying for all abortions. A Defund Abortion Rally has been organized by Campaign Life Coalition Youth to send the newly elected government a strong message: “Stop using our tax dollars to pay for an elective procedure that is not medically necessary.” 

“The Defund Abortion Rally shows a growing movement of young people who acknowledge that pregnancy is not a disease, injury or illness and that abortion is not a medical necessity and therefore should not be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan,” said Alissa Golob, Youth Coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition and organizer of the rally. “Every year, at least 30 million dollars of taxpayer money funds elective abortion surgery in Ontario, while genuine areas of health care such as elder care, doctor shortages, life-saving equipment and treatment for autistic children are neglected,” added Golob.

The Defund Abortion Rally, which is the first of its kind in this province, will take place from 1-4 pm in front of the Ontario Legislature. In addition to youth leaders from across the province, speakers will also include medical professionals who will speak on the physical and psychological complications of abortion, a parent of an autistic child whose treatment is not covered, and a post-abortive woman who will testify to the money drain that abortion has on taxpayers.

The Canada Health Act (CHA) requires provincial health insurance plans to fund medically necessary services, but it does not define abortion as medically necessary. As a result, if Ontario legislators deem an elective procedure to not be medically necessary, it does not get insured. For more information go to

About Campaign Life Coalition

Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life and the family. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit


Media Contacts:
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Coalition 416-204-9749
Alissa Golob, Campaign Life Coalition Youth 416-204-9749