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Poll shows Evangelical Christians pro-life, Catholics not so much

TORONTO, Oct. 13, 2011 - The majority of Ontario Christians oppose taxpayer funding of abortions in all cases according to a poll commissioned by Campaign Life Coalition,, and The Interim. More than seven in ten Christians oppose the status quo of paying for all abortions in the province while just two in ten support subsidizing this unnecessary, elective surgery.

According to the Abacus Data poll, when comparing Christian denominations, Evangelical Christians take a stronger pro-life view as 53 per cent don’t agree with abortions at all and only 7 per cent agree that it should be funded in all cases. Catholics on the other hand are virtually indistinguishable with the public at large with only 14 per cent opposing abortion and 22 per cent who think they should be completely funded.

“This poll should be a wake-up call for Catholics across the province” said Suresh Dominic of Campaign Life Catholics. “To advocate for the protection of the unborn is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church, and to see so many who identify themselves as Catholic think otherwise, is very discouraging.”

The poll also found that although the majority were not aware that the direct cost to abortion is at least $30 million in Ontario, it is important to note that Evangelical Christians were most informed with 21 per cent being aware as compared to 6 per cent Catholics.

Regardless of faith group, it is encouraging to know that religiosity does play a significant role in shaping one’s view on the issue. About 85 per cent of respondents who view religion as very important oppose the status quo. Interestingly even 43 per cent of those who view religion as very unimportant oppose it as well.

To view the full report, go to

About Campaign Life Coalition

Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life and the family. It is non-partisan and encourages voting based on principles, not party. For more information visit


Media Contacts:
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Coalition 416-204-9749
Suresh Dominic, Campaign Life Catholics 416-204-9749