Press Room

Unethical IVF treatments rightly cause concerns says Campaign Life Coalition

TORONTO, Sept. 22, 2011 - A gathering of reproductive-medicine specialists in Toronto this week expressed concern about the epidemic of multiple births which are caused by fertility physicians. These doctors often insert more than one embryo in order to achieve success. 

"We live in a very schizophrenic society where we kill hundreds of thousand of babies in their mothers' wombs as a lifestyle choice. On the other hand we unnaturally introduce one or more babies in the embryonic stage into a woman's womb who is not their mother. These same doctors then suggest a "selective reduction" which means they kill one or more of the growing babies in order to achieve the one child the couple wants," says Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). "A child is not a commodity to be bought and sold, manipulated, transplanted and killed at the whim of others. When will morality and decency return?" he asks.

"While I understand the need for a woman to have a child, it cannot be ethically accomplished in the callous world of medicine where life has become so cheap" said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. "The deliberate killing of so many babies by abortion has resulted in no babies available for adoption and I firmly believe all of them would find loving and wanting parents."

Campaign Life Coalition calls on the federal government to end "selective reduction" in multiple births and recognize that every human being from the moment of conception is a person worthy of protection.


Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer 613-389-4472
Jeff Gunnarson, CLC 416-204-9749