Press Room

Campaign Life Coalition is horrified by a Judges decision in giving a suspended sentence


TORONTO, ON, Sept. 12, 2011 - An Edmonton Court of Queen’s Bench Judge gave a mother a three year suspended sentence for the strangulation death of her newborn son. The 19 year old mother strangled the child with her underwear and threw his body over the neighbor’s fence.
Where is the cut-off date for the Court’s tolerance of killing defenseless people,” asks Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “We live in a country where there is no protection for children in the womb right up until birth and now this judge has extended the protection for the perpetrator rather than the victim, even though the child is born and as such should be protected by the court. Where will it end; a one month old child whose parent has decided is not worthy of life, a six month old child, a two year old child, a special needs child or how about a teenager?” he asks.
It is time that Parliament, whose duty it is to protect and legislate regarding the Constitution, examine its duty with regard to the first Constitutional Right-‘the Right to Life’ and enact legislation which recognizes that life begins at conception and must be protected from that time until natural death,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. “The mother’s stress cannot equate to the loss of a lifetime for the child.”
Campaign Life Coalition calls on all MPs to promote justice and enact a law now to protect all human life from the time of conception until natural death.
Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, in Kingston at 613-389-4472
Jeff Gunnarson, Campaign Life Coalition 416-204-9749