Press Room

House of Commons Health Committee to deal with use of human embryos for experimentation

The government has set up a health committee to police everything regarding assisted human reproduction, including fertility clinics and embryonic stem cell research, bans on cloning and payment to egg and sperm donors. The main factor being debated at this time is the use of fresh embryos rather than frozen ones left over from in vitro fertilization.

“The committee must ask the first question, is the use of human embryos valid? said Jim Hughes, National president of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “There has never been even one incident where embryonic stem cells have succeeded in helping another person. In fact the opposite effect has always occurred.” said Mr. Hughes. “Yet every day we read about amazing success stories when somatic or adult stem cells are used. The logic for this is easy to understand. When our own cells are used there is no rejection or problems, but when another person’s cells are implanted, as is the situation when embryonic cells are used, rejection occurs and the recipient must take costly anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life,” he continued.
“We expect Mr. Harper and this committee to reign in the CIHR and to stop the use and experimentation on human beings in the embryonic stage” said Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer.

Media Contacts :
Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, Kingston, ON 613-389-44732
Aidan Reid, CLC public Affairs Office, Ottawa, 613-379-0379