Press Room

Schwarzenegger/McGuinty join to terminate human embryos

Premier Dalton McGuinty plans to give $30 million tax dollars to the Ontario Institute for Cancer research for the Cancer Research Consortium of Ontario and California. Research which will make human embryos experimental guinea pigs and kill them in the process.

“Read my lips Arnold and Dalton embryonic stem cell research does not work!” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “The only successful stem cell research, and it occurs daily, is research using adult (somatic) cells. There is no need to kill human embryos. The scientists are only pushing for this because the embryos are available,” he continued.

“Is this yet another example of Dalton McGuinty overcoming his faith and morals in order to look good in the media?” asked Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC.” “Just because a movie star–turned-Governor thinks this is a good idea does not rationalize why an Ontario Premier, who can’t find money for worthy causes, should suddenly come up with $30 million to join a consortium with California which will result in the loss of human life.”

Campaign Life Coalition urges all pro-life people to work for the defeat of Dalton McGuinty on October 10, 2007. Your run as Premier of Ontario is what should be terminated, Dalton.

Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC, Kingston, ON 613-389-4472
Aida Reid, Director, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, ON 613-729-0379
