Press Room

Experimentation on Human Embryos Stalled

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) committee is reported to be “in no rush” to approve a project which involves the use and destruction of day old embryos. Their concern is not related to the ending of a human life but caution regarding the protection of the donors that is the mother and the father of the newly conceived baby. The committee wants to ensure that the parents understand the fate of their offspring. The embryos are obtained after in vitro fertilization when many new lives are conceived in order to achieve successful implantation and the others are considered surplus. Scientists want to use these fresh embryos which one media source said, “are being injected into everything from rodent brains to dog hearts as scientists try to develop ‘regenerative’ treatments for failing bodies.”

“The callous disregard for human life is so obvious in the use of embryos for research,” said Jim Hughes National President of Campaign Life Coalition(CLC). “These scientists continually ignore the proven fact that the use of adult (non-embryonic) stem cells are the only proven treatments that have led to success. Their only excuse for destroying human embryos is science, but science without true ethics is inexcusable”, he continued.

“The scientists lament that they are not able to make use of these tiny human beings much like the Nazi doctors who sought to use their victims as a source of fodder for their diabolical experiments”, said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC.

Campaign Life Coalition calls on the federal government to halt all experimentation on human embryos and to promote through their Health agencies the use of adult (somatic) stem cell research.

Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC in Kingston, ON 613-389-4472
Aidan Reid, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, 613-729-0379
Luke Jalsevac, Media Spokesperson, CLC Toronto Office 416-204-9749