Press Room

Mount Sinai Hospital kills human embryos for Research

Scientists at Mount Sinai Hospital are proud to declare that they have developed two stem cell lines from human embryos. The death of the human embryos which occurs in this procedure does not seem to bother them. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has declared that this research is within Canada’s guidelines.

“It is well documented that there has never been a cure for diseases using embryonic stem cells. Numerous cures, however, have been obtained from somatic (adult) stem cells,” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “To quote Dr. Peter Hollands, PhD in Stem Cell Biology from Cambridge University in the UK who said, ‘adult and umbilical cord blood stem cells are readily available, have no objections associated with them and are tried and tested in clinical use. Umbilical cord blood stem cells, for example, have been used over 3,000 times for 45 different diseases’. Embryonic stem cells do not work because it is another person’s cells which are then rejected by the recipient’s body,” continued Mr. Hughes.

“The endorsement of this procedure as acceptable to the CIHR confirms are worst fears that this ‘watchdog’ organization of the federal government has no intention of protecting human life and the guidelines will be interrupted so liberally that Canada will join the other countries of the world who are determined to take us down this disastrous path of using human beings for research”, said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of Campaign Life Coalition.

Campaign Life Coalition calls, once again on the federal government to call the CIHR to task for shirking their responsibility and demands that experimentation on human beings in our ‘civilized’ country stops.



Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer, CLC in Kingston, 613-389-4472
Samantha Singson, CLC Toronto and UN Representative for CLC 416-204-9749
Aidan Reid, Public Affairs Officer, CLC Lobby Office, Ottawa, 613-729-0379