Good News for all scientists-stem cells are readily available in amniotic fluid and placenta tissues- no need to kill embryos
U.S. scientist have isolated a new type of stem cell from amniotic fluid surrounding the child in the womb and from the placenta. These cells have been used to grow bone inside laboratory mice, nerve cells and liver cells. Amniotic fluid-derived stem cells (AFS) have the characteristics of both human embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells and appear to fulfil the criteria for pluripotency-the ability to give rise to different cell classes.
“This is a hopeful scientific find which would eliminate the use and destruction of human beings in the embryonic stage of their existence,” said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “The use of cord blood, amniotic fluid and the placenta have long been known to contain the necessary cells for the developing child. If this method does not endanger the unborn child in any way and still provides cells which will be a benefit to other human beings we hardily applaud this effort,” he continued.
Dr. John Shea, medical advisor to Campaign Life Coalition had this to say, “the characteristics of these stem cells are very promising for therapy. The statement that 99% of the U.S. population could be supplied with a perfect match is encouraging. The fact that the embryo or fetus will not be directly killed is also important.It is important that the method of collecting the amniotic fluid does not endanger the child in any way.”
Campaign Life Coalition urges the newly formed committee of Health Canada which is overseeing the work of scientific research on human reproduction to consider this new discovery and it application in Canada. We must end the destruction of human beings in every stage of their existence.
Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC, Kingston, ON 613-389-4472
Aidan Reid, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, ON, 613-729-0379
Elena Repka, CLC Toronto office, 416-204-9749