Press Room

Angus-Reid Poll shows that two-thirds of Canadians do not know that babies in their mothers’ wombs can be killed by abortion up until their birth.


Out of 1,022 people surveyed only 22% knew that there are no restrictions on abortions in Canada. When the same people are informed of the situation just 27% say that the status quo should be maintained.
Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) stated, “This poll shows the lack of factual knowledge in Canada which has led to the deaths of more than 3.5 million babies in their mothers’ wombs (approximately 100,000 per year). Some people are unaware that a child in the womb can be killed by abortion right up until birth. Those who were polled and were later informed suggested various times when life could be protected. The reality is that each and every human life is sacred and must be protected in a civilized nation.”
“Jean Chrétien, when he was Prime Minister, loved to be quoted as saying that we have ‘social peace on abortion in Canada’,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. “When there is no justice there is no peace. It is time that Canadians took the time to really find out the facts and they would then understand that in every abortion a human being dies.”
We urge federal politicians to legislate protection for all human life from conception until natural death.
Media Contacts:
Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer; Kingston, ON 613-389-4472
Jeff Gunnarson, CLC Toronto, 416-204-9749