Press Room

Now we know who has a hidden Agenda on Abortion

TORONTO, Feb. 4, 2010 - Michael Ignatieff's statement that "the right to abortion is too sacred to become a political football" and "women are entitled to the full gamet of reproductive health services and that includes termination of pregnancy (abortion) and contraception," shows clearly to all Canadians who has a hidden, and now exposed, political agenda.

"Michael Ignatieff has become a mouthpiece for the pro-abortion activists within his party," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). "His suggestion that his Canadian pro-abortion position be imposed on the developing world which needs medical assistance is unconscionable. For years Ignatieff has accused the Harper government of having a "hidden agenda" and now we know where he intends to take the Liberal Party on this issue."

"The abortion issue is not settled as Ignatieff's predecessor Jean Chretien said and it will never be settled as long as babies are being killed. What has been settled clearly is where Ignatieff stands," added Mr. Hughes. "Iggy's comments show that the issue is not dead... let the debate begin."

For further information: Media Contacts: Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, Kingston, ON (613) 389-4472; Jeff Gunnarson, CLC Toronto office, (416) 204-9749