CLC urges new Ford PC government to stop persecution of pro-life-and-family activists, end sex-ed curriculum
CLC urges new Ford PC gov’t to stop persecution of pro-life-and-family activists, end sex-ed curriculum
National pro-life organization Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) congratulates Premier Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservative Party (PCP) of Ontario on their electoral victory and calls on him to make this new term one in which he ends the unconstitutional lawfare, censorship, and persecution that the Ontario Attorney General’s office has been waging against peaceful pro-life citizens and a Christian activist.
“This victory is an opportunity for Ford to move the province forward by overturning an unjust censorship law targeting pro-life citizens and intervening on behalf of a Christian activist who is being treated unjustly by the legal system,” said Jeff Gunnarson, CLC’s National President.
Gunnarson pointed out that thousands have demanded in a petition that the Ford Conservatives repeal the unjust Kathleen Wynne-era "bubble zone" legislation that prohibits citizens from protesting – even silently – within 50 metres of abortion facilities. Faithful Catholic priest Fr. Tony Van Hee and Christian grandmother Linda Gibbons have been charged under this law.
“As Ontario moves forward under Premier Ford’s leadership, we urge him to repeal the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017, commonly known as the ‘bubble zone’ law. This legislation unjustly criminalizes peaceful pro-life witness and silent prayer outside abortion mills, suppressing the freedoms of speech and assembly guaranteed to all Canadians,” said Gunnarson. “It’s time for Ontario to reaffirm its commitment to the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by overturning this unjust law.”
Furthermore, Gunnarson called on Premier Ford to step in and end the political and legal persecution of Christian activist Bill Whatcott who, is being tried a second time in an Ontario Court for the same alleged “hate speech” crime after being acquitted the first time.
“Bill Whatcott is on trial again for passing out Christian flyers at the 2016 homosexual ‘Pride’ parade in Toronto. He was acquitted of the charges in 2021, only to face them again after the LGBT lobby complained. This makes a mockery of our legal system. Ford needs to personally step in and end the injustice of this double-jeopardy trial,” said Gunnarson.
CLC's director of Political Operations, Jack Fonseca, said that it's time for the Ford PCs to finally deliver on a promise made to the pro-life-and-family movement.
“Ford kept the radical Wynne-Levin sex-ed curriculum that he vowed to repeal,” said Fonseca. “Now’s the time for him to keep his promise and scrap it.”
CLC commended the New Blue Party for successfully running a full slate of 108 candidates across Ontario. “New Blue Leader Jim Karahalios’ commitment to defending life, parental rights, and family values has made a significant impact on Ontario’s political landscape,” said Fonseca.
CLC likewise congratulated the Ontario Party for the gains it has made in this election as it continues to promote policies that uphold faith, family, and freedom.
“The growing support for these new authentically conservative parties reflects a strong and rising desire among Ontarians for political representation that is committed to their values of life, family, and liberty,” said Fonseca. “It’s only a matter of time before candidates from these parties end up in Queen’s Park.”
About Campaign Life Coalition
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life & the family. For more info, visit:
Media Contact
Pete Baklinski, Director of Communications, Campaign Life Coalition, 343-369-8772, [email protected]