Press Room

Ontario Catholic School Board votes down “Pride” flag

Mississauga, Ontario – Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) thanks God for the victory at the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) last night, one of the largest school boards in Ontario, where trustees voted 6-3 against flying the transgender and homosexual “Pride” flag outside the board and its schools.

"The significance of this victory cannot be understated,” said Josie Luetke, CLC’s Director of Education & Advocacy, who was a delegate at the DPCDSB board meeting last night and witnessed the stunning vote. “This victory is an incredible testament to the power of both prayer and grassroots lobbying.”

The vote was a remarkable turn of events. Trustees had previously voted 9-2 at the committee level in favour of flying the “Pride” flag. Then, CLC and other pro-family groups became involved, encouraging parents to lobby their trustees to vote against the motion. Faithful parents and ratepayers lobbied the board and, at CLC’s encouragement, delegated at last night’s board meeting, showing up in unprecedented numbers.

Through the leadership of Trustees Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi and Herman Viloria, and the five pro-family delegations who gave powerful statements, the hearts and minds of other trustees were changed, with a majority of them voting against flying the “Pride” flag.

Voting against flying the LGBT flag were Trustees Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi, Herman Viloria, Luz del Rosario (Chair), Darryl D’Souza, Anisha Thomas, and Thomas Thomas. Voting in favour were Trustees Brea Corbet (who introduced the motion), Bruno Iannicca (who seconded the motion), and Mario Pascucci. Absent were Shawn Xaviour and Stefano Pascucci.

“Not only will this success protect children and others in the DPCDSB, but it will also inspire hope across the country,” said Luetke. “The tide is turning. A descent into sexual degeneracy and the corruption of our collective values are not foregone conclusions; pro-family Canadians can prevail if we persevere.”

The turning of the tide is being seen in other boards too, such as the York Catholic School Board which is currently considering a similar flag policy and the Huron-Superior Catholic School Board which also has a similar policy.

Jack Fonseca, CLC’s Director of Political Operations, praised the DPCDSB Catholic board for siding with the Catholic Church when it comes to the issue of homosexuality and transgenderism.

“We give much thanks to the parents who contacted their trustees, to all the delegates who spoke against the flag, and most especially, to the six Trustees who voted against the homosexual and transgender ‘Pride’ flag,” he said.

Fonseca said that it’s the board’s duty to Catholic parents and ratepayers to be authentically Catholic when it comes to sexual morality. “It’s great to see a majority of this board has taken the side of the Catholic Church and of parental rights.”

He noted that the battle is not over, since “Pride” flags are still allowed to be displayed inside the board’s school buildings. “Parents and faithful trustees must work even harder to remove ‘Pride’ symbols from inside the classroom, and to make the cross of our Saviour and the Sacred Heart of Jesus the only symbols honored during June.” He urged ratepayers in Mississauga Wards 9 & 10 to start working to ensure that pro-LGBTQ Trustee Brea Corbet, who sponsored last night's motion to fly the “Pride” flag, and the other two who voted with Corbet, are defeated in the 2026 school board elections.

Helpful links:

Full video of DPCDSB Special Board Meeting – June 11, 2024

Josie Luetke's full delegation speech

About Campaign Life Coalition

Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life & the family. For more info, visit:

Media Contacts

Josie Luetke, Director of Education & Advocacy, 416-204-9749, ext. 220,  [email protected]

Jack Fonseca, Political Operation Director, 647-638 5433, [email protected]