Press Room

CLC calls on Trudeau gov’t to scrap, not delay, assisted suicide for mental illness

Campaign Life Coalition thanks God that the Liberal’s planned expansion of assisted suicide to those with depression and mental disorders next month has been indefinitely paused after serious pushback from citizens across the country along with medical professionals.

“Thank God this radical expansion of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s MAiD-service euthanasia program has once again been put on hold,” said CLC National President Jeff Gunnarson. “Canadians suffering from mental illness need compassionate care, not killing.”

Canada expanded the assisted suicide law (Bill C-7) in March 2021 by removing the terminal illness requirement. Bill C-7 also expanded the law to allow assisted suicide for those with mental illness. A two-year moratorium on assisted suicide for mental illness was extended until March 17, 2024 after pushback from citizen and medical groups. The delay was announced on Jan. 29 after a Special Joint Committee recommended to the government that the country was not ready to expand assisted suicide to those with mental illness.

Gunnarson said that the legislation allowing the mentally ill, which will inexorably include persons who are simply depressed, to be killed by assisted suicide should not just be paused, but it should be entirely repealed by the Federal government.

“Our country urgently needs another bill put forward like Conservative MP Ed Fast’s defeated bill C-314 that excludes all mental disorders from eligibility for a lethal injection. Such a bill will ensure that we as a country continue to prioritize suicide prevention over suicide provision in our nation’s mental health strategy,” he said.

Jack Fonseca, CLC’s director of political operations called on the official opposition to re-introduce a bill to protect the mentally ill from Trudeau’s MAiD regime.

“We call on the Conservative Party of Canada to re-introduce a mental health protection act that will forever stop the legalization of euthanasia for those who are depressed and mentally ill. And, we call upon Mr. Pierre Poilievre to ensure that if elected, a Conservative government will reverse Trudeau's euthanasia regime completely.”

“Trudeau’s MAiD regime has been a complete disaster for our country and must be abolished,” he concluded.

About Campaign Life Coalition
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life & the family. For more info visit


Media Contact
Pete Baklinski, Director of Communications, Campaign Life Coalition, 343-369-8772, [email protected]