Press Room

Campaign Life Coalition is appalled that Henry Morgentaler should even be considered for the Order of Canada

TORONTO, June 28 2008 - It has come to the attention of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) that the Governor General intends to bestow the Order of Canada on abortionist Henry Morgentaler on July 1st.
"It is dreadful that this honour should even be considered for a man who's only claim to fame is that he is a professional killer of defenseless babies in their mothers' wombs," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition. "Those who have received this prestigious medal should return it because it will have been devalued and disgraced," he continued.
"If Morgentaler had any integrity he would refuse the medal", said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. "This presentation should be given to people who have made Canada a better place to live and the elimination of thousands of human beings who would have contributed to the future of Canada is a disgrace not an honour."
Campaign Life Coalition calls on the Federal Government to address the Governor General stating the inappropriateness of this action. Concerned people should contact the Governor General's office and express their disgust.

For further information: Media Contact: Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC, (613) 389-4472 (phone and message)