Press Room

Campaign Life Coalition: Shame on Federal Court for green-lighting Trudeau’s discriminatory policy against pro-life Canadians

Hamilton, October 27, 2021 – Campaign Life Coalition denounces a Federal Court’s ruling on Friday that it was “reasonable” for Trudeau’s pro-abortion Liberal Government to require applicants for a summer job grant first to attest that they support abortion. 

“This is a terrible decision from Justice Catherine Kane who dismissed Toronto Right to Life’s 2018 legal challenge and is an affront to the principle of equality under the law, enshrined under Section 15 of the Charter,” said Jeff Gunnarson, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “The judge has said that it’s OK for the government to discriminate against pro-life citizens who hold that life is sacred from conception and that preborn children deserve legal protection.”  

In 2017, the Liberal government changed the Canada Summer Jobs program application to require applicants to attest that the job and organization’s “core mandate” respect “individual human rights” in Canada, including “reproductive rights,” a common euphemism for abortion.  

“Of course, this sparked widespread outrage not only among pro-life groups across the country, but also from churches, charities, and various religious groups,” Gunnarson continued.  

“Pro-life groups have as much right to participate in government programs as any other group has. And they should not be asked to compromise their core values in order to partake in such programs. This test for values that differ from those of the government of the day is naked discrimination against pro-life Canadians. For a judge to see such discrimination as ‘reasonable’ in any sense is shameful,” he added.  

Matthew Wojciechowski, vice-president of CLC, said that it’s clear that Trudeau is “waging a not so hidden war against pro-life organizations in Canada, and Christians in general.”  

“Trudeau first denied summer job grants to pro-life organizations. He’s now promising to strip pro-life organizations of their charitable tax status, which could cripple the good work they do in helping vulnerable women in crisis,” Wojciechowski said.   

“It’s clear that Trudeau has a vendetta against pro-life Canadians and that he is out to destroy the work that we do,” he added. “That a court would stoop so low as to support Trudeau in his vendetta is unconscionable. This ruling will only embolden the Liberals to continue to implement discriminatory policies against pro-lifers and people of faith. We hope Toronto Right to Life appeals this ruling. It should not be allowed to stand.”  

About Campaign Life Coalition   
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life & the family. For more info visit 

Media Contacts  
Jeff Gunnarson, President, Campaign Life Coalition, 519-835-8201, [email protected]  

Matthew Wojciechowski, Vice President, Campaign Life Coalition, 647-896-4906 [email protected] 
