Sex-ed announcement by Lisa Thompson betrays parents
Toronto, March 15, 2019 – Campaign Life Coalition is calling Education Minister Lisa Thompson’s sex-ed announcement today, a betrayal of parents and the trust they put in Doug Ford.
“Thompson’s announcement that the anti-scientific theory of gender identity will still be taught in elementary schools is appalling, and represents a broken promise to the parents of Ontario, and to PC voters in the last election.” said Jeff Gunnarson, National President of Campaign Life Coalition. “Parents, voters, and even party delegates told Doug Ford loud and clear they do not want the fraudulent theory of gender identity taught at any grade - ever.”
“Why is a supposedly ‘conservative’ government planning to teach children a lie - that being a boy or a girl is unrelated to your biological reality?” asked Jack Fonseca, Political Operations Director at Campaign Life Coalition. “Aside from being a total disregard for science, it is dangerous to children. It destroys their reality testing and their ability to discern solid truth. It can also produce psychosexual confusion in the minds of the young, which in turn, makes children more vulnerable to sexual predators.”
Fonseca continued: “Allowing parents to opt-out their children from these anti-scientific lessons is not sufficient. Why should our children be made to feel ostracized when they have to leave the class or stay home on certain days? It’s more fair and easier on everyone to just leave this controversial ideology out of the classroom. Let those who believe in it, teach it to their own kids at home!’
Gunnarson repeated the organization’s prior call for Ford to fire Thompson as Education Minister, and called upon the Premier to step in: “While Thompson owns the Education file, the fact of the matter is the buck stops with Premier Ford. He must intervene and remove transgender ideology lessons from the elementary and high school curriculum”
“If Ford allows Thompson to proceed with re-implementing a tweaked version of Kathleen Wynne’s sex curriculum, it will represent a flip-flop by Ford, who previously called gender identity theory ‘Liberal ideology’. If Ford is to keep his coalition of small-c conservatives together for the next election, or for higher political ambitions in the future, he must not allow Thompson to cause him to betray his promise”.
About Campaign Life Coalition
Campaign Life Coalition is a national, non-profit organization involved in political action and advocacy for legal and cultural change in Canada with respect to protecting human life & the family. For more info visit
Media Contacts
Jeff Gunnarson, Campaign Life Coalition, 519-835-8201, [email protected]
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life Coalition, 416-204-9781, [email protected]