Press Room

Campaign Life Coalition welcomes the news that stem cells can be created without embryos but expresses caution.

TORONTO, Nov. 21 2007 - The news that scientists may be able to use stem cells which do not involve the destruction of embryos is welcomed by pro-lifers. Further study must be undertaken to ensure that human embryos are not created by the technique.
"The amazing possibilities that have been provided by the Creator to heal ourselves continues to astound scientists in every generation," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). "The news of a scientific discovery from Kyoto Japan University professor, Shinya Yamanaka which was released last July concerning research being done using stem cells which did not create and destroy embryos was met with optimism but serious caution." "Now more scientists have come on board calling this new method, 'direct reprogramming' the greatest invention since flying." "However other scientists do not want to give up the use of embryos and this causes us to ask, 'why would you use a method which kills human embryos when another available method does not'," he continued.
Dr. John Shea, medical advisor to Campaign Life Coalition says, "Yamanaka's work, essentially somatic cell genetic engineering, is a very complex subject. The issue is whether the pluripotent stem cells created by the technique will always remain merely stem cells and cannot become embryos."

Campaign Life Coalition supports scientific discoveries which aid the cure of disease but vehemently rejects any experimentation on human beings at any age which destroys and kills those humans.

For further information: Media contacts: Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, Kingston, ON, (613) 389-4472; Marie Christine Houle, Media spokesperson, CLC Toronto office, (416) 204-9749; Aidan Reid, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, (613) 729-0379; Dr. John Shea, Medical Advisor, CLC Toronto, (416) 204-9749